The new tariffs for club memberships for the forthcoming season. The new season kicks off on the 31st August 2015.
Player Membership £50.00
Player’s membership includes a personalized membership card, free warm up top, RFU playing insurance cover, physiotherapy when needed and access to purchse all club merchandise .
Social Membership £20.00
Receives a personalized membership card, access to purchase all club merchandise.
Junior Membership £10.00
Receives a personalized membership card, access to purchase all club merchandise.
Family Membership £20.00
If a son or partner has joined as a player, then a non-voting family membership can be obtained. Family members to receive personalized membership cards, access to purchase all club merchandise.
Vice-Presidents Membership £50.00
Receives a personalized "Vice-President Membership Card and a free club tie, able to ballot and buy allotted International tickets and access to purchase all club merchandise.