1 Members are required to produce their pass whenever asked to do so.
2 The Membership pass is issued subject to the clubs regulations.
3 The pass admits the holder to the Ground and Pavillion Area for all matches played at Sandwell Park when the club is open.
4 The pass does not accord priveliges.
In order to re-emphasise point 5 above - we have noted upto 14 breaches of a pass transferred to another (non-member) person and utilised in the bar area in recent weeks. This has been in order to secure a privelige whilst making purchases.
Please note if there are further repeats of this by these individuals and anyone else for that matter then the card will be revoked with immediate effect.
Membership details can be found on the WBDCC website.
Many thanks for your consideration and co-operation in this matter.
WBDCC General Committee.