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View from the Chair.....

View from the Chair.....

Sue Owen14 Oct 2018 - 13:50
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Introduction from new Chair Sue Owen

Hi Vandals, and a belated welcome to the 18/19 season!

I thought it was about time that I introduced myself as your new Vandals Netball Chairperson, but first would like to take the opportunity to thank outgoing Chair Sophie Kennedy who has done an amazing job for the netball section and as our representative on the Club Board. Thank you Sophie, you've been awesome!

For those that don't know me, although absent for the last couple of seasons, I've been a part of Vandals Club for around 20 years and part of the netball section since it was formed. I've been a player, committee member, umpire, coach and big time supporter and am now extremely pleased to be Netball Chair for the 18/19 season. My role is to support the rest of the committee (they're the ones that do all of the hard work for you), represent the section at Board level, and generally get involved and help wherever I can!

Once again, we have a really experienced and enthusiastic committee made up of:

Club Captain Lucy McManus - the go to person for all playing, training and team matters. Lucy also arranges umpires for all leagues. A massive undertaking not without drama!

Secretary Arianne Higgs - keeps all committee and club admin stuff in order. Currently waiting (impatiently) for the arrival of baby Higgs 2 so that she can get back on court!

Treasurer Clare Weedon - looks after the money. Very important person!

Junior Chair Claire Ridley - as well as being a much loved coach Claire manages the junior section, liaising with players, parents, leagues, coaches, and much much more

Team Captains:
A Team, Lizzi Allen
B Team, Jules Howkins
C Team, Clare Weedon
Purple Team, Jess Silver

If I've forgotten anyone, I apologise!
The committee are all volunteers who run the club on behalf of the members. They're very lovely people, and one or another will always try and answer any Vandals questions you may have.

I'm very excited about the year ahead and hope you are too. The senior teams have had a steady start to the season, putting in some great performances on court. And if the thought of Vandals netball every week until April isn't enough, we now have tour to look forward to in July 19. What's not to love about being a Vandal!

More Views from the Chair before Christmas

Much love, Sue xx

Further reading