Working with the Wilburton Parish Council, we were able to secure the funding from Amey Cespa’s grants scheme for a new dual-bay all in closed net training facility. Club and 1st XI Captain Tom Walker had the following to say on this great upgrade. “This truly is a formidable asset to improving the cricket provision for our great village club, the village community and neighbouring boroughs. A mantra and vision of our club has always been to offer the best cricketing package to all who wish to play and participate in the sport we love. We truly believe this will be a huge help in allowing all parties to take a huge step forward in improving the number of performers and the quality of players for those who use this great facility.”
A thank you that will never suffice, goes to the Parish Council who put forth 50% of the total to help make this project possible. Club members Jim Baddeley and Henry Wilson were instrumental in leading the application paper work and funding bid, this simply wouldn’t have happened without all of the above parties.
This is a huge step forward in the club working with wider village assets, such as the Parish Council, local social club and primary school. We really look forward to bringing you further updates across this year and beyond of all of our work.