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U12 Boys are National Champions!!!

U12 Boys are National Champions!!!

Julia Dickinson11 May - 19:18
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They did it!!! The boys topped their pool, undefeated and went on to beat Wimbledon HC 3-1 in the final. Woking Hockey Club is extremely proud of you!

Thanks to England Hockey for a thrilling day of hockey in the sunshine at Nottingham. Coach Harrison Hubbard had this to say about the boys.
“I’m extremely proud of the boys for their journey this season. Winning the National In2Hockey finals is a massive accomplishment. The whole age group of boys have progressed massively this year as players, but also as people in general. From winning the U14 tier 3 at 11 aside and the tier 2 Surrey plate which shows that there is great depth and quality across the whole age group - a great precursor for next season.
Massive thanks to all the volunteers who have helped coach, umpire and run teams but especially to Dave Sampson as the AGM who has done an amazing job of managing the section to its full efficiency and potential.
I am immensely proud of all the boys, it’s been a great pleasure to coach them this year and I’d like to think that I have instilled the following into them…
“Being winners is great but how you win is what shapes you as a person”.

Also words from U12 Boys AGM Dave Sampson.
“ Very proud of our boys! Their grit, determination and teamwork propelled them to success. Worthy and humble winners. A special mention to our brilliant coach, Harrison, whose dedication to this squad has guided and moulded them to success. A great result for the team and the club.”

Woking HC Club Chairman Rob Pike extends his congratulations to the whole team. “What a fantastic end to the season!”

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