Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Code of conduct

Match days/evenings:
1. All players will turn up in Wolverhampton Sporting CFC match day attire i.e. tracksuit, polo shirt.
2. All players need to turn up on times provided by management unless conditions beyond your control force lateness but a phone call or text will be required.

Football Kit:
2.Shirts: will be placed on hangers after use with team number facing out.
3.Socks: to have tape removed and turned the correct way out and placed with warm up shirt and shorts on bench below you're numbered shirt.
4.All drinks bottles and food papers fruit skins in-fact any rubbish to be put in the rubbish bin.
5.All training water proof jackets & sub suits to be put back in the relevant bags they was removed from.
6.All warm up kit i.e. bibs, cones & footballs replaced back in relevant bags and returned to changing room before kick off.
7.No boots to be cleaned in sinks or showers at any point.
8.Players must provide their own shower consumables i.e. soap, gels, towels flip-flops.
9.You are responsible for your Wolverhampton Sporting CFC equipment any loss or damage will be at your own cost.

Medical Bag:
1. No one is allowed to enter medical bags other than trained medical personnel.
Named personnel M Hopson & P Wood

On The Pitch:
1.No foul and abusive language will be tolerated that includes technical areas.
2.No Wolverhampton Sporting players or management to argue with any other Wolverhampton Sporting squad member during matches.

1. Encourage team mates at all times and remain seated unless warming up and you are expected to warm up in pairs at regular intervals also only leave technical area as a team and not before game ends.

1.Always listen to what your technical coach is advising but most of all remember if you are doing the job you have been asked to do you will not here him say anything until half time period.

Cool down:
1.Must always be done unless you are injured and have had to leave field of play.

1.After games you are required to stop for hospitality unless an emergency.

1.Any players receiving fines will have to pay in full within seven days of receiving forms from football association.

1.must be attended by all unless agreed through management.

Any breach of these rules will be dealt with by management committee and players representative to be appointed by players.
Yours sincerely
M Hopson (Chairman/Secretary)