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Worthing Dynamos Soccer AM a great success.

Worthing Dynamos Soccer AM a great success.

Adrian Gander13 May 2015 - 18:52
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Worthing Dynamos Soccer AM a great success but no thanks to the weather.

Dynamos held their annual Soccer AM at Durrington High School on Saturday morning with over fifty children turning up between the ages of 5 and 6 years old for a fun training session. The children were split up in to four groups each group moved between four different skill stations from ball control to taking penalties this being the most popular. This training session was run and organised by Mini Soccer Co-ordinator Mr Keith Bateup and Head Coach Mr Alan Atkinson with help from managers /coaches and players from other age groups within the Dynamos teams, both Keith and Alan would like to thank those people for giving up there time and helping.

With a third of the session complete and smiling faces from all of the children, the weather took a turn for the worst and heavy rain held up the action for the next ten minutes but once the clouds had moved on the young stars were back on the field and eager to restart where they had left off.

For the next hour the children hopefully developed some new skills and more importantly enjoyed being part of the Dynamos family and had fun. The training session came to an early end due to another down pour but this did not wipe the smile off of the future stars of Dynamos faces.

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