Accidents / Incidents: Guidelines


• Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation. Is there danger of further injuries?

• Listen to what the injured person is saying.

• Alert the first aider who should take appropriate action for minor injuries.

• In the event of an injury requiring specialist treatment, call the emergency services.

• Deal with the rest of the group and ensure that they are adequately supervised.

• Do not move someone with major injuries. Wait for the emergency medics.

• Contact the injured person’s parent/guardian.

• Complete an incident/accident report form.

Nearest GP surgery:

Pocklington Group Practice
7 Barmby Road, Pocklington, YO42 2DL
Tel: 01759 302500
(opening hours 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m Mon-Fri, Saturday mornings)

Turn left out of the ground and right at the T-junction; follow road to minor crossroads junction at Yapham Mill, then turn left towards Pocklington.
Turn right immediately after the petrol station; the surgery is 50m on the left (parking at rear)

Nearest hospital with A&E:

York Hospital
Wigginton Rd, York YO31 8HE
Tel: 01904 631313

Turn right out of the ground, then straight across at the staggered crossroads. Continue straight over the next crossroads until the T-junction with the A1079: turn right and head towards York.
At Grimston Bar roundabout take the second exit down Hull Road towards the City Centre; turn right at the end of Hull Road (at the City Walls / Walmgate Bar arch) onto the Inner Ring Road: follow the Inner Ring Road around the East side of the City Centre, then the signs to the Hospital


Guidelines for dealing with an incident / accident
