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Equal Opportunities Policy

This policy applies to all members including associate members, coaches and volunteers. The General Committee of Yapham Cricket Club is aware that it has a responsibility to ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to provide and maintain an environment which is accessible and inclusive for all members, associate members, coaches, volunteers, juniors and the general public.

Yapham Cricket Club is committed to being an equal opportunities organisation that ensures equality of opportunity and fair treatment to all involved with the Club.
Yapham Cricket Club will:
a. Ensure that all policies and procedures reflect its commitment to equal opportunities
b. Respond constructively to its responsibilities as a voluntary sector sports club
c. Integrate equal opportunities into its planning process
d. Create an ethos of fairness, courtesy and respect that embraces all members of Yapham Cricket Club, visitors, and the local communities which Yapham Cricket Club serves
e. Encourage the Committee and any relevant sub-committees within Yapham Cricket Club to review their composition and to consider how they represent and address issues of diversity within the organisation
f. Create an environment which is safe, accessible, caring and welcoming
g. Work constructively with appropriately recognized organisations to ensure the effective implementation of this policy
h. Ensure that all members are treated fairly in respect of the nature of the Yapham Cricket Club objectives, regardless of their:
– Race
– Colour
– Nationality
– Ethnic or national origins
– Sex
– Gender
– Marital status
– Family responsibilities
– Abilities
– Physical and mental health (including past history)
– Age
– Sexuality
– Political or religious beliefs
– Socio-economic group
– Trade union activity
– Being an ex-offender*
*Certain offences committed will exempt the offender from working with children, young people or vulnerable adults.

i. Ensure that all coaches and volunteers are included on the basis of their abilities and the requirements of the task and are recruited in a non-discriminatory manner;
j. Ensure fair treatment for all members, associate members, players, visitors and everyone who is entitled to use any of Yapham Cricket Club’s facilities;
k. Encourage, where possible, greater diversity within Yapham Cricket Club’s activities;
l. Monitor and review regularly the operation of this policy.

Applying the Equal Opportunities Principles in the Club

• Yapham Cricket Club welcomes and values diversity in its members, associate members, coaches, volunteers, players and visitors

• All members are expected to work in ways that promote equal opportunities

• Yapham Cricket Club seeks to create an atmosphere that is tolerant and respectful of differences and encourages all members to appreciate diversity

• A commitment to equal opportunities is expected of all members of Yapham Cricket Club

• No member, associate member, coach, volunteer, player or visitor should be unfairly treated on any of the grounds listed above (principles), or on any other unreasonable grounds

• The Club will respond constructively to requests from people wishing to join who have disabilities or additional / special needs

• The Club will endeavour to ensure that publicity material, events and information reflect its commitment to equal opportunities

• Yapham Cricket Club will make reasonable efforts to provide an environment where the ethos, standards and practices are conducive to the well being of all members, associate members, coaches, volunteers, players and visitors.