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St Crux

St Crux

Dan Edwards11 Oct - 06:35
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The big fundraiser! We need you.

The time has come to prepare for the annual St Crux fundraiser, so put this date in your diary:

Saturday 16th November 2024, St Crux church, Pavement, York.
Doors open at 10am.
Set up from 8am ish.

We need all hands to the pump to help with the successful running of the day, and in the days leading up to it.

As always it requires donations of both time and consumables, so please please please can you offer help with one or the other, or ideally with both.

Things to donate:
Time - people to assist in set up, running the day, closing, cleaning and clearing tables.

This is from 8am please. We need people to help set up.
Open at 10am - we need people to donate their time, whatever you can. In shifts, AM or PM, we don’t mind. The more help the better
Close 4pm - we need people to help clear down and tidy away. It’s a really important part of the day as we need to vacate the hall promptly and as we found it. It takes a lot of hands to clean and pack up.

Food - cakes, sandwiches, soup, preserves. Any things you might sell in a cafe. The more the better as we can sell any excess!
Bric-a-brac - stuff to sell outside such as good quality books, jigsaws, crockery, general stuff, etc

It takes a lot of money and voluntary man hours to run a hugely successful club like ours and St Crux fundraisers are always a vital part of raising money.
To continue with the success, we must ask people who benefit from the club put as much effort as they do on the field into helping at such events.

Contacts to confirm your ability to help, donate time, and, or things:
Dan Edwards 07742091189
Chris Edwards 07989 356388
Joe Moore +44 7957 693592
Mark Fairey 07917 195940
Jon Flint 07762 084455
To name a few people.

Further reading