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2021/22 - Team Mates: Alex Worgan

2021/22 - Team Mates: Alex Worgan

Sam Daniels7 Jan 2022 - 17:45
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For this weeks instalment of Team Mates, we caught up with the Beige Bomber, Alex ‘Terry’ Worgan who gives us the details on his DDUs team mates…

1. Best Trainer - hold my hands up as I’m not there myself often through work but the times I have been Barney puts in a great shift.

2. Worst Trainer - again, would say me but you have to turn up, KV prone to injury just by walking on the pitch. But has to go to Scott Harris, leaving early to watch the soaps will never be forgotten

3. Best Dressed - as I can’t vote for myself I’ll go for handsome Gabe, always in decent clobber. Jack Bainton in a close second, despite the hair loss.

4. Worst Dressed - not even up for debate, Ethan Shide. Best I’ve seen him dressed was the charity clobber day, Gaffer Dai palmer and his slazengers came in close second.

5. Best Drinker - couple of decent swiggers over the years, Owen Oliver and Jonny Bradfield impressed at Christmas, still give it to Gunters though, man has thatchers on his cornflakes

6. Worst Drinker - Aside from myself, Sam Daniels. Gets awful aggressive with a pint in hand, although he’s told me he despises me when sober so that could be his general attitude.

7. Best Banter - Shidey dishes out some brilliant lines, but I’ve got to go with Bainton on this one, New Years Eve was a cracker.

8. Hardest - Seen Barney nearly murder boys with tackles over the years, and Cannan’s desperate to lamp someone out. I’m going with Tony Davies, definitely auditioned for the Monk in Mean Machine.

9. Brightest - Still can’t believe I haven’t seen my name on this! Despite this, I’m going with Gabe, looks and brains.

10. Least Intelligent - Owen “1-16” Hacker is up there, but Maisey has made outrageous statements at times, don’t ask him to set up your kids goals.

11. Last but not least… longest in the shower - Shidey, snake charmer in his spare time.

Further reading