York Lokomotive RLFC
Thu 17 May 2018
Kippax Welfare
York Lokomotive RLFC
York Lokomotive RLFC

Match Preview

Tom Dunmore17 May 2018 - 12:06
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Thursday night RL

Away at Kippax preview.
(Photo: Paul Lister)

Rumour has it as our away game at Kippax has been moved to Thursday night there will be no Super League game as to avoid a clash, this is the sole reason and nothing to do with Magic.

The R2 clash will see the Lokos travelling the short distance over to Kippax to try and build on their opening round victory at Birstall last Saturday. The last time the Lokos clashed with Kippax was way back in 2009, with the Lokos taking the spoils in York and Kippax wining two games at their place once in the league and an emphatic win in the play offs. 9 years is a long time ago but naturally the Lokos will still want to try and revenge the beating. There are a few players in the current Lokos squad that will remember the clash between the sides, two of them been Liam Watling who will be making his 108th appearance and Matt Chapman who will incredibly be making his 120th appearance for the club. Big centre Zak Hardy who is pulling on the red and white shirt for the 88th time is 1 try away from making it 30 for the club, where as the new second rower Daryl Fogg will be returning after a holiday to try and add to his 4 tries in 5 appearances. There are 2 ever presents this year having played all 8 games so far, young full back Keenan Rushworth and Ricky James who has 126 points this year from 14 crosses of the white wash and 35 goals, he is 2 points off scoring 400 for the Lokos.

This will be York Lokomotive’s 161st game as a club and they will be hoping to make it their 80th win, which will also coincide with 2 points at least putting them joint top, they are also only 2 points away from scoring 300 for the season, but they will be expecting a tough encounter against Kippax.

Kippax Welfare V York Lokomotive
19:30 at Longdike Lane, LS25 7BP

York Lokomotive:
1. Keenan Rushworth
2. Stu Dickinson
3. Zak Hardy
4. Danny Lee
5. Forrest Atkinson
6. Ricky James
7. Scott Porteous
8. Mat Martin
9. Tom Gargan
10. Matt Chapman
11. Daryl Fogg
12. Liam Watling
13. Jon Cambridge ©

14. Jack Daniels
15. Tom Eaton
16. Chris Corr
17. Will Hampshire

Match details

Match date

Thu 17 May 2018


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Main Club Sponsor - Bishopthorpe Sports & Social Club
Away Day Sponsor - Coach and Horses
Away Day Sponsor - The Lighthorseman
Training Sponsor - Old School Strength & Conditioning
Training Sponsor - UNIT17c Fitness
Home Match Sponsor - Yorkshire Wholesale Meats
2018 Chosen Charity - State Of Mind
Match Day Sponsor - Timothy Taylor's