Pre 1900. Owned by Henry Briggs, Son & Company Ltd. Briggs was the first mineowner to employ a profit-sharing scheme for his workers.
He commissioned Charles F. A. Voysey, who became an internationally recognised architect, to design housing - Whitwood Terrace - and a Miners' Institute for his workforce.
Whitwood Colliery was sunk in 1874, coal was reached on December 14th 1876,
The two shafts were sunk;
The Beeston shaft, a downcast , is sunk to a depth of 501 yards and is 14 ft. in diameter
The Silkstone shaft, also a downcast, is 415 yards deep and is 18 ft. in diameter
The pit finally closed approximately 1970
In 2003 HE plant hire Group in Kent purchased the land of the former colliery form Acorus Rural Property Services North.
They required a site for their fourth Diggerland Themepark and it needed to be large enough to house the "Diggerland experiences', admissions building including indoor play area, shop, the "Dig Inn' with its restaurant, bars, etc, a corporate hospitality area and maintenance building
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