1.0 Name
1.1 The name of the association shall be “ Ashton United FC Supporters Club”.
2.0 Objectives and Purpose
2.1 To organise the support and encouragement of Ashton United FC.
2.2 To promote the interest of and provide facilities for the supporters of Ashton United FC.
2.3 To set down and encourage the acceptance of standards of conduct to be observed by members of the Supporters Club.
2.4 To organise social events, competitions and fundraising to further the aims of the Supporters Club. This will enable the Supporters Club to make donations to the football club for specific defined activities or projects.
2.5 To encourage friendly relations with supporters of all football clubs.
2.6 To encourage participation of younger members of the Supporters Club.
2.7 To do all such things that may be deemed necessary to facilitate the objectives of the Supporters Club.
2.8 To encourage closer links between players and supporters.
3.0 The Committee
3.1 The Supporters Club shall be governed by a Committee, which shall comprise such members as the Supporters Club shall from time to time determine.
4.0 The Rules
4.1 The Supporters Club shall have and shall adopt rules governing the day to day conduct of the Supporters Club and the rules and any amendments thereto shall not conflict with the provisions of this constitution and shall only be adopted or amended or repealed by at least 75% of the members present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting. Amendments to the constitution shall only be made at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
5.0 Membership
5.1 Membership of the Supporters Club will be open to all ages. Every candidate for membership will complete a membership form that will normally be accepted by the members who reserve the right to refuse the application. The Secretary will furnish the applicant with the reasons for rejection; the applicant will then have the right to appeal to the next Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Supporters Club.
6.0 General Meetings
6.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Supporters Club shall be held every calendar year to transact the following business:
i) To receive and if approved, adopt an annual report of the Supporters Club’s activities of the previous year;
ii) To receive and if approved, adopt the income and expenditure accounts and the balance of the Supporters Club;
iii) To appoint or sanction the appointment of the officials of the Supporters Club;
iv) To deal with any other special matter which the members may desire;
6.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by a minimum of 15, or 50% of adult members, whichever is the lower, of the Supporters Club to decide matters of major importance.
7.0 Finance
7.1 The Supporters Club shall, at all times, ensure that proper books of account are kept of all transactions connected with the activities of the Supporters Club and shall have a bank account and all monies received by the Supporters Club shall be paid into such account.
7.2 Accounts of the Supporters Club shall be prepared annually.
7.3 No money or property of, or any gain arising from the carrying on of activities of, the Supporters Club shall be applied otherwise than in accordance with the rules of the Supporters Club.
7.4 In the event of the winding up of the Supporters Club, all its assets, monies and other securities shall be disposed of as the members deem to be Ashton United FC and its supporters.
8.0 Relationship with Ashton United FC
8.1 The Supporters Club is administratively and financially independent of the football club.
8.2 The officials will represent the views of the membership by means of meetings with members of football club committee and will report the results of those meetings to the members.