Bedlington FC Seniors privacy promise
Everything we do has to benefit you, our Customers and theirs.
We give you access, or when requested to do so by our Customer (the Data Controller), to our managed areas to allow you to carry out your role. To do that, we ask you to sign into some of our platforms and services.
What our privacy promise says
Our privacy promise covers how we treat your data and put you in control of what happens to it. It’s based around three main areas…
We will always explain clearly what data we’re collecting about you and why. We will only collect data we need to:
improve our services
fulfil our responsibilities as a service provider.
As an employer we are the Data Controller and we are bound by legislation to process your data in accordance with employment contracts.
As a Data Processor, in the platforms and services we provide to our customers, we are bound by legal contracts and agreements to process your personal data. We work on the instruction of the Data Controller.
Your trust is very important to us. So, we’re committed to keeping your data safe and secure.
We promise to never sell your personal details to anyone and to only use your data in a way you have agreed to, otherwise we will be in touch to reconfirm you are happy.