If you're thinking about becoming a rugby volunteer, read the responsese when we asked a group of rugby volunteers to complete the sentance "I'm a rugby volunteer because...."
I like the challenge
I enjoy it
I'm giving back to the game
I've participated all my life
I've made lifelong friendsips
I'm passionate about rugby
I like being part of a team
I find it satisfying
I'm good at it
I want to put back into the game
It gives me a social network
I get to meet new people
The ethos of the game...wherever I go in the world I can always have a conversation about rugby
I want rugby to be the premier sport
People volunteer for many different reasons, such as to:
- Learn new skills
- Gain training
- Help others
- Increase enthusiasm and energy
- Share talents, abilities and experience
- Fight boredom
- Make new friends
- Build self confidence
- Explore career opportunities
- Feed needed, useful and appreciated
- Gain a new direction in life
- Give something back to the community
- Be a team member
- Contribute to the club
- Have fun and enjoy themselves!!