Programme booklet
Rugby Clinic 2016 6 of 7

6. Programme booklet

The official programme booklet for the 2016 Rugby Clinic can be downloaded from the bottom of this page and on the Thebans' official Facebook page here.

To make your trip to Edinburgh more fun and enjoyable, there are a number of hyperlinks within the booklet;

Front cover
The Thebans logo will take you to the official Clinic pages on the Thebans' website.

The Edinburgh flag is a link to the city's pages on VisitScotland's website.

The Scotland flag on the is a link to the VisitScotland website.

The Thebans website address will take you to the Club homepage.

Page 5
The Murrayfield and SRU logos are links to Scotland Rugby's website.

The tram icon is a link to Edinburgh Trams' website.

Page 10
The various logos and website addresses are links to their respective websites/ Facebook pages.

A small number of hard copies of the programme booklet will be available on the Friday night for anyone who does not have a smartphone or iPad.


Clinic 2016 programme book
