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Canton RFC AGMs
Club History 2 of 11

2. Canton RFC AGMs

Canton RFC AGM - Extracts

05-09-1885 - The annual general meeting of the Canton Football Club was held on Thursday evening, when the following were elected as officers for the ensuing season:- Captain T. Jarman and Captain J. Arnott; Secretary and Treasurer, A.J. Hybart; Captain 2nd XV, A. David. Committee:- E. Lewis, C. Emery, A. Arnott, T. Jones and J. Douglas.

21-08-1889 - At a meeting at the Royal Exchange Hotel, Canton, the following officers were elected for the season:- Captain, Mr H. Lewis; Vice-captain, Mr G. Bartlett; Treasurer, Mr W.H. Williams; Hon Sec, Mr R. Jones, 69 King's Road, Canton, who is open to arrange matches with first and second teams. Canton2nd XV - the following officers were appointed:- Captain, D. Cheek; Vice-captain J. More. There are a few dates open for the junior teams.

06-08-1892 - The fourth annual meeting of the Canton F.C. was held on Thursday at the King's Castle Hotel, Canton, when the following officers were elected:- President Alderman T.V. Yorath; Captain 1st XV Mr C.R. Harding; Vice-captain 1st XV Mr T.A. Jones; Hon Secretary & Treasurer Mr J.R. Bartlett; Committee Messrs E.P. Jones, W. McBratley, D.J. Jones & H. Bennett; Captain 'A' XV Mr. W. Royle; Vice-Captain 'A' XV Mr C. Hillard.

25-08-1897 - The annual meeting of the above club was held last night at the headquarters (Royal Exchange Hotel, Cowbridge Rd), Mr George Lewis in the chair. The balance sheet, which showed a balance in hand on past season's working was read and passed, the following officers were elected for the ensuing season:- President Councillor J.M. Gerhold; Vice-presidents Councillors J. Ward, R. Hughes & I. Thomas; Messrs T.H. Mallett, F. Seeley, H. Morgan, G. Priest, A. Dalrymple & L.H. Evans; Captain Mr W. Jackson; Hon Secretary & Treasurer Mr W.J. McBratney; Committee C.R. Harding, H. Bennett, T.A. Jones, A.E. Harding and ex-officio members.

12-08-1898 - The annual meeting of the above club was held at the Royal Exchange Hotel, Canton, on Wednesday, Mr T. H. Mallett, vice-president, occupying the chair. Last season's balance sheet having been read and passed, the following officers were elected:- Captain Mr W. Jackson; Vice-captain Mr W. Gale; committee Messrs H. Bennett, A.E. Harding, G. Priest, D.C. Evans & H.P.Evans. Mr W. McBratney was re-elected Hon Secretary & Treasurer.

17-07-1899 - The annual meeting of the above club was held at the Royal Exchange Hotel, Canton, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing season:- President Councillor J.M. Gerhold; Captain A.E. Harding;
Vice-captain E. Whale; general committee, H. Lee, D. Davies, J. Huntley, T. Johnstone & F. Morgan.

07-08-1902 - The annual meeting of the above club was held at the Boar's Head, Canton, last evening, when the following officers were elected:- President Mr George Williams, Manor House; Vice-presidents Messrs D. Jenkins, C. May, J. Martin, J. Chick, W. Douglas & B. Singleton; Captain Mr Edward Lovering; Vice-captain Mr D. Martin; Hon Treasurer Mr W. Royle; Hon Secretary Mr Charles R. Harding, 10 Chancery Lane, Cardiff. The club has a strong list of fixtures including Tredegar, Cynon Stars, Lydney, Pontnewydd and Blaina.

05-08-1907 - At the annual meeting of the Canton (Cardiff) Rugby Football Club, held on Saturday, W. Jenkins was elected captain. The other nominations were George Bird and R. Williams, the former - last year's captain - having applied for the withdrawal of his name. The nomination of vice-captain lies with Jenkins, and he desired the matter to stand over. Mr C.R. Stephens, whose splendid organising abilities have brought the Canton Club to the premier position in local football, was re-elected treasurer. Mr D. Jenkins was elected president, and the following vice-presidents were elected:- Messrs. G. Morris, G. Gibson, H. Norris senior, E. Radley, Percy Bush, Councillor J. Bell Harrison, Dr Buist, Dr Hesketh Evans, H. Norris junior, and J. Gibson junior. The following committee was appointed:- Messrs. Jackson, Bartlett, G. Bird, Lovering, R. Williams, and J. Mills.

15-08-1908 - At the annual meeting held at the Boar's Head Hotel, the following officers were elected:- President Mr D. Jenkins; Captain Joe Brookman; Vice-captain E. Harding; Treasurer W. Jenkins; Hon Secretary C.R. Stephens; Assistant secretary A. Scott; Committee Messrs G. Bird, J. Bartlett, T. Deacy, G. Faulkner, Steve Jones, W. Thomas & D. Evans; Chairman Mr W. Manderson. The fixture list includes Pontypridd, Bridgend, Merthyr, Cardiff Reserves, Weston-Super-Mare, Bridgewater, Brixham etc.,
and a successful season is assured.

09-07-1925 - Mr Bert Williams presided at the annual meeting of the Canton RFC on Wednesday. The following officers were elected:- Patrons - Messrs W.M. Douglas and W.R. Jenkins (Cardiff Athletic Club); president Mr E. Gwyn Nicholls.

21-07-1927 - Canton RFC club honour for retiring secretary. Club held 50th AGM on Wednesday at the Corporation Hotel, Cardiff. Mr Bert Nicholls presiding. The Secretary (Mr J. Mills) reported that . . . .