Junior Rugby Information 6 of 7

6. CRFC Coaches contact details

24/25 Season Junior Coaches

U'6s Coach Paul Baker 07736031456 paulwbaker@live.co.uk

U7's Coach Josh Wooff 07809 232765 jwoof@hotmail.com
U7's Coach Joe Toms 07539 593153 joetomsuk@gmail.com

U8's Coach Chris Baddeley 07826 841070 chris.baddeley@cervusdefence.com
U8's Coach Alex Wotton 07545 431048 alex@wotton.co.uk
U8's Coach Simon Kittow 07753 589278 Simon@smkittow.co.uk

U9's Coach Kevin Bere 07969 340940 k.bere@maptecsurveys.co.uk
U9's Coach Will Jeffries 07971 614666 jeffries.will@gmail.com

U10's Coach Marcus Bush 07792 117719 Marcusbusch86@gmail.com
U10's Coach Andy Isaac 07980 624441 andy_isaac@hotmail.com
U10's Coach George Richards 07892 700558 georgistheporgie@hotmail.com

U11's Coach Henry Weekes 07763 401701 henryweeks@hotmail.com
U11's Coach James Weekes 07771 504708 james.weekes@gmail.com
U11's Coach Tom Kimber 07881 723023 t_m_kimber@hotmail.co.uk
U11's Coach Sarah Dale 07963 891850 sarahdale1121@gmail.com

U12's Coach Ben Sykes 07880 720261 bjrs@hotmail.co.uk
U12's Coach Simon Boorman 07892 977085 simon.boorman@gmail.com
U12's First Aid Andrew King 07506548150 angrybakedbean@outlook.com

U13's Coach and First Aid Carl Bennett 07983 716821 cbennett_28@hotmail.com
U13's Coach Andy Payne 07585 506186 andypayne21@gmail.com

U14's Coach Nick Shepherd 07359 659669 nick.shepherd@hotmail.co.uk
U14'S Assistant Darren Prettejohn 07870 908564 darr.ness@gmail.com

U15's Coach & First Aid Matt Clark 07971 100183 dorismay80@yahoo.com
U15's Assistant Jon Doyle 07779 227843 jdoyle@somerset.gov.uk
U15's Assistant Matt Walrond 07896 509850 matthewjwalrond@yahoo.co.uk

U16's Coach & First Aid James Hutchinson 07826 875853 James.r.a.hutch@gmail.com
U16's Coach Steve Cooke 07540 490388 mrcooke1000x@hotmail.com
U16's Coach Rob Hammett 07894 725752 rwhammettelectrical@gmail.com

Colt's Coach Karl King 07597 902405 kingkarl12@yahoo.co.uk
Colts coach Amy Alford 07766 778048 amz202@hotmail.com
Colts Coach Paul Roberts 07525 428266 psr2004@pswha.plus.com
Colts Admin Steph King 07473 727237 coxyrocks@gmail.com

U12's Girls Coach Paul Wyle 07967 360912 paulwylecrfc@gmail.com 

U14's Girls Coach Matt Clark 07971 100183 dorismay80@yahoo.com
U14's Girls Coach Paul Wyle 07967 360912 paulwylecrfc@gmail.com 

U16's Girls Coach & First Aid Matt Clark 07971 100183 dorismay80@yahoo.com
U16's Girls Coach Paul Wyle 07967 360912 paulwylecrfc@gmail.com 

U18's Girls Coach Mark Hammond mark@markhammond.tv