Minis and Juniors 5 of 6

5. Code of Conduct


The principles of child / young player protection at Droitwich Rugby Football Club

The Committees, Coaches and Staff are committed to the following principles in putting together this Policy Document to ensure the Safety and Welfare of all its young players.

The young player’s welfare is paramount.

All young players of whatever age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and / or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse.

All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

Anyone under the age of 18 years should be considered as a young player for the purposes of this document.


To foster the enjoyment of rugby, and encourage individual and team flair in playing the game.

To provide a common framework to coaches in development and protection of young players.

To provide a clear view of the behaviour standards expected when coaching, playing and watching rugby at Droitwich Rugby Club, and when representing the club at away fixtures in whatever capacity.

To build a reputation that welcomes all visitors to the club.

Club Code of Conduct.

In providing this code, due regard has been made of the fact that coaches at this club are volunteers who give up their free time to coach young players in rugby. Nevertheless, we are committed to professional standards of behaviour that protect the best interests of the young players.

Where possible we have concentrated on the positive behaviour expected with regard to the following:

  • Personal Safety
  • Coaching Sessions
  • Fixture Policy and Match Organisation
  • Behaviour during and after matches

1. Personal Safety.

Coaches will:

  • Ensure that players are aware of the need to wear regulation studs or blades, and appropriate personal protective equipment, ie. gum shields, shin pads for forwards.
  • Inspect playing surfaces for dangerous objects.
  • Ensure no-one plays in a competitive game before being coached in safety aspects of the position they are to play, especially tackling.
  • Pay due regard to weather conditions before commencing, and during, coaching sessions and matches.
  • Ensure appropriate breaks for drinks.
  • Be familiar with Child Protection Guidelines.
  • Not play unregistered players.

Players will:

  • Take notice of advice on appropriate protective equipment.
  • Listen to, and follow coaching instructions - particularly with regard to safety, tackling and set piece play.
  • Take drinks when advised and not play with or waste water provided for the team.

Parents will:

  • Ensure they know about protective equipment necessary and available.
  • Remind players to bring gum shields, shin guards etc. and take good care of them.
  • Provide players with their own drinks if preferred.
  • Recognise that players' personal safety must be the paramount concern of coaches and officials and co-operate with them accordingly.
  • Provide the club with relevant contact telephone numbers.
  • Share any relevant concerns with the club.

2. Coaching Sessions.

Coaches should:

  • Prepare their coaching sessions to achieve specific and realistic aims and share these with players to explain purpose and importance.
  • Organise their sessions so that all players, whatever their particular skill or aptitude are catered for, including the special needs of limited and gifted players.
  • Encourage players with positive language and behaviour, and never condemn or belittle their efforts.
  • Emphasise safe practice and play within the spirit and laws of rugby.
  • Seek feedback from players and fellow coaches and be prepared to listen and respond to constructive criticism.
  • Treat players with respect, both physically and verbally.

Players should:

  • Take coaching sessions seriously so that they can improve their skills.
  • Listen carefully to their coaches and follow instructions.
  • Ask if they don't understand anything.
  • Support and respect each other, especially when mistakes are made.
  • Inform your coach if you are unable to attend coaching sessions or games.

Parents should:

  • Assist Coaches if requested.
  • Help with set up and removal of equipment.

3. Fixture Policy and Match Organisation.

The Mini and Juniors Committee will:

Follow RFU Continuum guidelines in the setting up of fixtures.

Fixture Secretaries will:

  • Provide as much notice as possible to Coaches, First Aiders and
  • Caterers when matches are cancelled.
  • Check that pitches for home games are available & playable.

Coaches will:

  • Inform players / parents of meeting times for matches at least a week in advance if possible (unless this is not possible due to late re-arrangement of fixtures). Junior teams will be informed at mid-week training.
  • Provide directions to away fixtures prior to the game.

Referee Coordinator will:

Ensure that junior matches have been allocated a referee, using the North Mids. Ref. society if needed, to secure a referee.

Players will:

  • Ensure they arrive by the time requested.
  • Pay due regard to agreed dress code (especially for juniors and for all players at away games).

Parents will:

  • Inform coaches if they intend to travel direct to away fixtures.
  • Ensure that players have transport to and from away matches.

Mini / Junior Managers will:

Seek to ensure that first aid cover is provided at all matches.

4. Behaviour during and after matches.

Coaches will:

  • Ensure the playing surface is safe.
  • Not abuse players (of either side).
  • Ensure adequate drinks are available at half-time.
  • Not encourage play outside of the Laws of the Game.
  • Treat matches (particularly at Minis level) as an extension of a training session.
  • Support and not abuse the referee.
  • Protect the safety of their players.
  • Ensure that visiting coaches are welcomed and given meal tickets for all their players.

Players will:

  • Respect the decisions of the referee.
  • Play within the Laws of the Game.
  • Shake hands and provide a “tunnel” for players and referee after the game.

Parents will:

  • Encourage and not abuse players (of either side).
  • Respect the decisions of the referee.
  • Remember that the players are learning the game - they are not professional entertainers.

Policy and Procedure Documents.

The following policy and procedure documents support the effective implementation of this code and can be obtained by request from the Mini & Juniors Child Protection and Welfare Officer.

  • Appendix 1 - Recruitment of Coaches and Administrators.
  • Appendix 2 - Coaching Qualifications and Training.
  • Appendix 3 - Disciplinary Procedures for alleged cases of Poor Practice and breaches of Code of Conduct.
  • Appendix 4 - Provision of First Aid Cover.
  • Appendix 5 - Procedure for dealing with concerns of Child Abuse.