Your Rights – What Players can expect from Dyce Boys Club
Dyce Boys Club is committed to:
Providing you with a safe environment for all Club activities including coaching sessions and matches.
Implementing the S.Y.F.A. “Player Protection Policy” procedures.
Providing you with as high a standard as is available of coaching and playing facilities.
Providing you with appropriate SFA qualified coaches who will arrange coaching sessions and matches.
Providing you with a trained first aider (with First Aid Kit) at all Club activities including coaching sessions and matches.
Providing, with the consent of your parent / guardian, physiotherapy treatment for football related injuries when deemed necessary by the coach.
Preventing injuries to you from over use by observing the S.F.A.’s guidelines.
Providing you with a high standard of kit for all football matches.
Providing you with a Dyce Boys Club warm up top (returnable), T shirt, shorts, socks, sports bag, and where appropriate, a water bottle.
Your Responsibilities
Dyce Boys Club expects players to:
Maintain a high standard of appearance and manner at all coaching sessions and matches (e.g. Wearing jewellery is not permitted for the health and safety of all concerned).
Take care of all Dyce Boys Club kit issued to them and return it to the coach after each match. Players should always attend coaching sessions and matches with shin guards and clean football boots / trainers.
Be neat and tidy with shirts tucked in and socks pulled up during matches.
Advise their coach if they are unavailable for coaching session or match.
Avoid using bad language, spitting, fighting or displaying dissent including using behaviour that will disrupt the coach or other players at coaching sessions and matches.
Avoid questioning match officials decisions during or after games.
Show, at all times, a high level of respect to Dyce Boys Club coaches, officials, match officials, team mates and opponents.
Pay their own A.D.J.F.A. fines if Dyce Boys Club consider they have a bad disciplinary record with match officials (if this is the case they may be subject to expulsion from Dyce Boys Club).
Participate in fundraising activities.
Adhere to all responsibilities stated in the Dyce Boys Club “Code of Conduct”.
Wear the Dyce Boys Club warm up top when travelling to each match.
Officials / Coaches
Your Rights – What Officials / Coaches can expect from Dyce Boys Club
Dyce Boys Club is committed to:
Ensuring two Player Protection Officers are appointed by Dyce Boys Club F.C.
Implementing the S.Y.F.A.’s “Player Protection Policy” procedures.
Providing you with a copy of the most up to date version of the Dyce Boys Club F.C. Constitution and Code of Conduct.
Providing you with the appropriate equipment required for coaching sessions and matches.
Providing you with training facilities of your choice (Indoor or Outdoor).
Assisting you with discipline and Player Protection related matters that are raised with Dyce Boys Club Management Committee.
Assisting you with any coaching related matters that you raise with the Dyce Boys Club Management Committee.
Advising you of the S.F.A. Coach Education courses and encouraging you to attain at least Children/Youth Level 3.
Implementing where necessary, the S.F.A.’s “Developing Talent Plan”, and “Advice for Players, Coaches and Adults”.
Providing you with a Dyce Boys Club waterproof outer jacket, navy blue polo shirt and navy blue sweatshirt. Replacements are as and when the Management Committee decides.
Officials / Coaches
Dyce Boys Club expects Officials / Coaches to:
Be fully conversant with, and adhere to, the S.Y.F.A. Constitution, Rules and Player Protection Policy.
Be fully conversant with, and adhere to, Dyce Boys Club Constitution and Code of Conduct.
Ensure that one of the officials of each age group is designated as that age group’s Player Protection Officer.
Maintain a high standard of appearance, punctuality, personal discipline and show a good example of behaviour at all Club activities including coaching sessions and matches.
Avoid questioning match officials decisions during and after matches and to show match officials, players, opponents and opposing officials a high level of respect.
Maintain a high level of discipline within the age group under their control.
Attend as many coaching sessions and matches as possible and arrange for a substitute when you are not available. THERE MUST BE A MINIMUM OF TWO CLUB OFFICIALS IN ATTENDANCE DURING ALL CLUB ACTIVITIES.
Attend the relevant S.F.A. Coaching Courses for qualifications appropriate to the ability of the age group under their control.
Provide players with contact details of all coaches working with the age group under their control.
Ensure players participate in fund raising activities.
Ensure that at least one representatives of each age group, attends (1) The Dyce Boys Club monthly meetings and (2) All relevant A.D.J.F.A. meetings.
Comply with, the S.F.A. and A.D.J.F.A. procedures regarding player registrations, discipline and match arrangements.
Wear Dyce Boys Club clothing to all matches so as to be easily identified as an Official / Coach of Dyce Boys Club.
Pay their own A.D.J.F.A. fines if Dyce Boys Club consider they have a bad record with match officials.
Your rights – What Parents / Guardians / Spectators can expect from Dyce Boys Club
Dyce Boys Club is committed to:
Providing 2 Player Protection Officers* for the Club and 1 for each team.
Providing you child with a safe environment for all Club activities including coaching sessions and matches by complying with the S.Y.F.A.’s “Player Protection Policy” procedures.
Providing parents / guardians with a copy of the most up to date version of the Dyce Boys Club Constitution on request.
Providing your child with a copy of the most up to date version of the Dyce Boys Club “Code of Conduct” when they join Dyce Boys Club.
Providing your child with SFA qualified coaches who will organise all matters relating to their age group.
Providing your child with a trained First Aider ( with First Aid Kit) at all Club activities including coaching sessions and matches.
Ensuring there is a minimum of two Club officials in attendance during all Club activities including coaching sessions and matches.
Providing your child with a high standard of kit for all football matches.
Providing Parents / Guardians with contact details of Dyce Boys Club officials and coaches within the relevant age group.
Advising Parents / Guardians of the name of and contact details of Dyce Boys Club Player Protection Officers.
Ensuring that Parents / Guardians sign the relevant S.Y.F.A. Registration and Parental Consent forms.
Dealing with any written enquiry from Parents / Guardians which is raised with Dyce Boys Club Management Committee, in a prompt and efficient manner
*The Player Protection Officers for Dyce Boys Club are:
Eric Mannall Tel. 01224 – 770038 and Jim Wiseman Tel. 07780 – 155567
Dyce Boys Club expects Parents / Guardians / Spectators to:
Ensure their child attends all coaching sessions and matches at the times stated by their coach.
Be aware of their responsibility to ensure that their child is safely transported to and from all Club activities.
Ensure their child advises the coach if they are unavailable for a coaching session or match.
Encourage your child and their team during matches but refrain from any form of criticism to individuals or their team.
Avoid any interruptions that will disrupt the coach or other players at coaching sessions or matches, including coaching instructions directed at their child or their team-mates during matches.
Show Referees / Assistant Referees a high level of respect and avoid questioning match officials during and after games. If this is contravened, then any action taken would be against the boys and Dyce Boys Club not the spectator i.e. The Aberdeen & District Juvenile Football Association / S.Y.F.A. may (1) Award the match to our opponents. (2) Fine the Club. (3) Or both.
Maintain a mutually acceptable working relationship with all Club coaches working in their child’s age group.
Take care of and return all Dyce Boys Club kit that is issued to their child or is provided during matches.
If any Parent / Guardian / Spectator’s behaviour causes such problems that a Match Official has to either report an incident to a Dyce Boys Club official or abandon a match, Dyce Boys Club reserve the right to ban that person from all Dyce Boys Club matches and their child may have their registration cancelled
Dyce Boys Club Aims
The aims of Dyce Boys Club are as follows:
To foster the development of youth football.
To promote small-sided development football for children under 12 years of age.
To provide a safe environment for all players.
To promote good sportsmanship in all officials, players, coaches and spectators, connected with Dyce Boys Club.
To encourage, as much as possible, involvement with other Dyce Community organisations in relation to football related activities.
To encourage the skill development of all our members and coaches, and enhance their personal and social skills as a result of their involvement in football
Dyce Boys Club Playing Policy
Age Groups 6-12 Playing Policy
Dyce Boys Club squads in these age groups will participate in small-sided development football fixtures.
Dyce Boys Club will comply with the guidelines laid down by the S.F.A., S.Y.F.A. and the A.D.J.F.A. regarding small-sided fixtures.
Dyce Boys Club will endeavour not to exceed the correct number of players in any small-sided fixture.
The 12’s age group may participate in eleven-a-side friendly fixtures in the immediate months leading up to their advancement into the 13’s age group juvenile competitive leagues.
Team selection for these age groups will be the sole responsibility of the age group coaches.
Dyce Boys Club will ensure that players in these age groups are not over used by playing in too many matches. It is impossible to quote the exact number of games played as weather conditions could dictate a different number of fixtures from season to season.
Advising the player of alternative clubs once they have completed their time with Dyce Boys Club.
Age Groups 13-16 Playing Policy
Dyce Boys Club squads in these age groups will participate in eleven-a-side competitive juvenile fixtures.
Team selection for these age groups will be the sole responsibility of the age group coaches.
Advising the player of alternative clubs once they have completed their time with Dyce Boys Club.