Parents/Carers Code of Conduct
Club Codes of Conduct 3 of 3

3. Parents/Carers Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Parents Carers

Whilst the fun and friendly atmosphere created by Mini-Soccer should keep such instances to a minimum, there maybe situations, which arise where comments and abuse from, adults, parents and Managers is made from the touchline.

We encourage all to follow and set up example for all children:
Club Lessons
• Respect all teams of Club & Referee Officials: Any conflict or indecision or misconduct, all parents are asked to follow the Complaints Procedure.
• Respect and praise ability in all children and not just the most talented.
• Respect all Club Lessons by arriving 10 minutes before lesson prepared.
• To place input and feedback on Club Meets, External Trips and Competitive Matches.
• To avoid unnecessary hoaxing and shouting during Club Lessons. Praise & Encouragement rather than commentary and instruction.
• To understand the Child Protection Policy, with non-entrance to Changing Room Facilities without prior permission.
• To understand the Health & Safety Standards, with all players provided with Shin Guard Protection, Suitable Poor Weather Provisions and non-predication due to ill health.
• To ensure Club Subs are paid on the required dates. We state that if no payment is received, players cannot participate in League Matches. All Club Fee's paid into the Club are Non-Refundable unless injury provides non-participation.
• Upon leaving the Club, the Kit is Required back at the Club within 7 days. If Kit is not returned, parents are liable to replace.
• To provide a positive environment in all areas of football - placing children's interest first above others.
• Avoid all forms of gamesmanship, to remember that Football is Fun and for All.

Date: 1st Apri 2021


Feeder Code of Conduct - Parents
