Code of Conduct 3 of 3

3. Code of Conduct 3

Disciplinary Process

The following process may be invoked by any member, official or third party.

•Contraventions to the code of conduct must be confirmed to the Club Captain, in writing, as soon as practical after the event or events in question.
•If appropriate, the Club Captain will organise a disciplinary panel, consisting of 4 members of the club of good standing. The panel will seek information to properly understand the event or events in question, and will actively seek the views of all involved parties.
•The disciplinary panel will decide if a contravention of the code of conduct, or spirit of the club has been made, and if so, if a punishment is necessary.
•Punishment for contraventions are at the complete discretion of the disciplinary panel. They may include (but are not limited to);
Warning Letters
Works to rectify any damage caused
Suspension from playing (for a time, or indefinitely)
Suspension from the club (for a time, or indefinitely)
Permanent withdrawal of membership
•The decisions of the panel should be confirmed, in writing, to the relevant parties. A record of the decisions of the panel should also be confirmed to the standing committee, and retained by the club secretary.
•Where confidentiality is sought by any party in the process, it should be supported.
•The right of appeal exists. A request for an appeal should be directed at the club chairman, who will appoint a further panel to review the decision and any additional information or requests from any party. The appeal panel has the authority to cancel, change or maintain any previous decisions. The appeal panel is the final authority in the matter. The decisions of the appeals panel should be confirmed in writing, in the same manner as the disciplinary panel.