About Us 5 of 6

5. By Laws

Greater Lowell United Football Club, Greater Lowell United FC, GLUFC
The name of the Corporation shall be Greater Lowell United FC, LLC
The mission of GLUFC is to grow the game of soccer in the Merrimack Valley area and Southern New Hampshire and Greater Boston regions by spreading happiness and goodwill among fans, players and everyone the encounters the club. We seek to provide recognition for all GLUFC players. Our goal is to develop a Nationally respected youth academy to serve as a bridge between academy players and college/professional programs. We aim to provide a stage for players to showcase their talents so that they can earn college scholarships or sign professional contracts. We believe that there is a massive untapped base of soccer talent in Greater Lowell, and we intend to give those players visibility they haven't previously been able to enjoy.
Section A: Eligibility (General Membership)
Membership shall consist of registered players, parents or legal guardians of registered players, coaches, the Board of Directors, founders, or individuals interested in the development and promotion of GLUFC. Any parent or guardian of a registered player shall be deemed a club member. Voting members are deemed club members.
Section B: Eligibility (Voting Membership)
Voting membership shall be limited to the Founders and the Board of Directors for the normal running of the corporation. The Founders are Patrick T. Melican and Manny Andrade. The Board of Directors is defined in article 5 of these bylaws. All voters must be present (in person or electronically) to vote – no vote by proxy or any other means is permitted. No person shall have more than one vote.
Section A: Powers of the Corporation
The Board of Directors may exercise all powers of the Corporation, except such as conferred by-law, or by the by-laws of the Corporation, determined and voted upon by the Membership. The Board of Directors shall be the voting body of the corporation as defined in Article 3B.
Section B: Number of Directors
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The Board of Directors shall be comprised of no more than 10 members unless the number is increased as defined in Article 4C.
Section C: Increase Number of Directors
The number of Directors may not be increased until the next annual/special meeting: a 2/3 vote of the Voting Members will be required to increase the size of the Board.
Section A: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of "Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised" shall govern the association in all cases to which they are applicable.
Section B: Meetings
Part 1: Board of Directors Meetings
The Board of Directors of the Corporation will hold a meeting as mutually agreed upon by the Voting Members to review the status of the Corporation through review of financials and reports of the Board.
Part 2: Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Corporation shall be held during the Month of April each year at a time and place determined by the Voting Members to conduct business as established by the by-laws; for planning of the following season; for the consideration of reports; for offering suggestions for improvements in the quality of the program; and for transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Section C: Quorum
Part 1: Annual Meeting
The quorum for the Annual Meeting of the members shall consist of no less than 75% of the voting members.
Part 2: Other Meetings
The quorum for all other meeting including Board of Directors monthly meetings or special meetings shall consist of no less than 50% of the voting members.
A vacancy in the Board may be filled by the voting members at any regular meeting with advance notice. Board members are approved by a majority vote of voting members present.
A board member, coach, assistant coach or person in any position of function within the Corporation may be removed from that office, position, or function by a 2/3rds vote of
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the Voting Members present at the meeting. To alert all Officers of the Corporation and the Board of Directors of this action it must be included on the agenda. Agenda must be sent at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting where removal from office will be considered.
A voting member, coach, assistant coach or person in any position of function within the Corporation may resign by submitting a notice of resignation in writing to an Officer of the Corporation. Electronic transmission via email, text message, etc., is considered an official correspondence for the purposes of resignation.
The coach of each team is responsible for, at a minimum, the following:
1) The instruction and development of individual skill and team play.
2) The implementation of GLUFC soccer rules and decisions. These will be documented in the Coaches Handbook
3) Ensure that ONLY FULLY REGISTERED PLAYERS participate in GLUFC soccer activities for insurance purposes. ONLY FULLY ROSTERED players can participate in GLUFC games.
4) The coordination of the team practices, and games among the players of the team so that all players are aware of practice and game times and locations.
5) The coordination of GLUFC functions and activities so that all players on the team are able to participate in GLUFC functions.
6) Distribution of team uniforms to players
The coach may choose to delegate responsibility for items 4-6 to a volunteer team manager at his/her discretion. GLUFC may or may not choose to offer club fee discounts to team managers at the annual meeting. This will be applied equitably to all team managers through the duration of the club team year.
Section A: Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year shall run from December 1 until November 30.
Section B: Expenditures
The Treasurer is responsible for approving expenditures within the guidelines established by the Board of Directors, preparing an annual budget in conjunction with the Founders which will be presented at the Annual Meeting for approval for the next fiscal year.
Section C: Review
A financial review shall be made each year subsequent to November 30th of that year and copy of the review be made public at the Annual meeting. This financial review shall be accomplished by the use of an external accountant to the league.
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Section D: Accounting
All monies will be handled in a corporate checking account in the organizational name and not any individual/personal account.
Subject to applicable provisions of the law, the Corporation may dissolve at any time upon the recommendation of a 2/3rd majority of the Voting Members. Thirty days notice of the impending dissolution shall be made to all members present and voting shall be required. Upon such dissolution of the Corporation, the Corporation after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities shall contribute the remaining assets to a non-profit tax exempt organization selected by the majority vote of the Voting Members.
The programs of this association shall be open without regards to race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, or economic status to all youth of the Greater Lowell and surrounding area, subject only to the player’s abilities and capacity of the club to accommodate them.
The by-laws may be amended by a 2/3rds vote of the Voting Members at the next regular meeting provided that they are included on the agenda that is sent to all Voting Members at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
It is hereby declared that the actions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this by-law are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this by-law shall be declared invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance.