Safeguarding 2 of 4

2. Club Safeguarding Policy


“Everyone shares responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, irrespective of individual roles.
Nevertheless, in order that organisations and practitioners collaborate effectively, it is vital that all partners who work with children – including local authorities, the police, the health service, the courts, professionals, the voluntary sector and individual members of local communities – are aware of, and appreciate, the role that each of them play in this area.”

Working Together to Safeguard Children (DCSF, 2010)

Guisborough Rugby Union Football Club Limited (“Guisborough RUFC”) acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children involved in Guisborough RUFC from harm.

Guisborough RUFC confirms that it adheres to the Rugby Football Union’s Safeguarding Policy and the procedures, practices and guidelines and endorse and adopt the Policy Statement contained in that document and any successor policy.

A child is anyone under the age of 18 engaged in any rugby union activity. However, where a 17-year-old male player is playing in the adult game it is essential that every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure his safety and wellbeing are protected.

The Key Principles of the GRUFC Safeguarding Policy are that:

• The welfare of the child is, and must always be, paramount to any other considerations.

• All participants regardless of age, gender, ability or disability, race, faith, culture, size, shape, language or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse or harm.

• All allegations or suspicions of abuse, neglect, harm and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately.

• Working in partnership with other organisations, statutory agencies, parents, carers, children and young people is essential for the welfare of children.

• Children have a right to expect support, and personal and social development delivered by an appropriately recruited, vetted and managed in relation to their participation in rugby union, whether they are playing, volunteering or officiating in the community or professional areas of the sport.

Guisborough RUFC recognises that all children have the right to participate in sport in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment whilst at the same time being protected from abuse, neglect, harm and poor practice. Guisborough RUFC recognises that this is the responsibility of everyone involved, in whatever capacity, at the club.

Guisborough RUFC will implement and comply with the RFU Code of Conduct and the Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Spectators and Officials as appropriate.

The Club Safeguarding Officer is Andy Barber. If you witness or are aware of an incident where the welfare of a child has been put at risk you must, in the first instance, inform the Club Safeguarding Officer. They will then inform the Yorkshire RFU Safeguarding Manager and the GRUFC Safeguarding Team. If an incident involves the Club Safeguarding Officer you should inform the Club Chairman and either the Yorkshire RFU Safeguarding Manager or the RFU Safeguarding Team.

All members of Guisborough RUFC who work with children in Regulated Activity must undertake an GRUFC Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check in accordance with GRUFC Regulation 21.

Guisborough RUFC will ensure that all its members, whether they are coaches, parents, players or officials will comply with the Best Practice Guidance as issued by the RFU. In summary, the following are NOT acceptable and will be treated seriously by the club and may result in disciplinary action being taken by the club, the Yorkshire RFU or the RFU:

• Working alone with a child.
• Consuming alcohol whilst responsible for children.
• Providing alcohol to children or allowing its supply.
• Smoking in the presence of children.
• Humiliating children.
• Inappropriate or unnecessary physical contact with a child.
• Participating in, or allowing, contact or physical games with children.
• Having an intimate or sexual relationship with any child developed as a result of being in a ‘position of trust.’
• Making sexually explicit comments or sharing sexually explicit material.

Guisborough RUFC manages the changing facilities and arranges for them to be supervised by two DBS checked adults of the appropriate gender for the players using the facilities. Guisborough RUFC ensures that all its coaches, parents, officials and spectators are aware that adults must not change at the same time, using the same facilities as children.

Guisborough RUFC will ensure that its coaches and other supporting volunteers will receive the support and training considered appropriate to their position and role. The RFU “Managing Challenging Behaviour” Policy has been adopted and circulated amongst the club workforce both, voluntary and paid.

Any events held on Guisborough RUFC premises must comply with this Policy and if appropriate a Safeguarding Plan should be discussed and circulated to those affected.

Guisborough RUFC Safeguarding Policy Practice Statements & Guidance Notes

1. Recruitment and Training of Employees & Volunteers

Children and vulnerable adults are entitled to participate in rugby union activities in a safe and welcoming environment. Whilst anyone has the potential to abuse children or vulnerable adults, safe recruitment procedures will enable Guisborough RUFC to reduce this risk. When recruiting employees or volunteers all reasonable steps will be taken to ensure only suitable people are selected.

Adults working unsupervised with children and vulnerable adults in a voluntary or paid capacity in rugby union at Guisborough RUFC must have an Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) disclosure processed and risk assessed by the RFU. The DBS is an Executive Agency of the Home Office which helps organisations to make safer recruitment decisions. It acts as a one-stop-shop, checking police records and information held by the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). It provides access to an individual’s criminal record through its disclosure service.

Before working unsupervised with children or vulnerable adults, DBS clearance is essential and vetting through DBS application must be undertaken in accordance with RFU Regulations. DBS certificates will be cleared or investigated by the RFU as appropriate. Applications must be submitted within four weeks of taking up a role and must be renewed with the RFU every three years. The RFU does not accept DBS clearance obtained through any other organisation.

Guisborough RUFC may also take up references for new Employees & Volunteers.

Guisborough RUFC will regularly assess which staff and volunteers need to apply for DBS clearance via the RFU.

Guisborough RUFC strongly recommended that all adults who have a coaching role for children attend an appropriate Rugby Union Coaching Award course commensurate with the age grade they are coaching and that all coaches and supporting volunteers attend an RFU Play It Safe training course in order to increase their level of knowledge and awareness of best practice safeguarding principles as well as how to recognise and report abuse and concerns.

Guisborough RUFC will support all Club Officials, Coaches and supporting volunteers with funding to attend such courses.

2. Changing Rooms & Showers

Adults and children must never use the same facilities to shower or change at the same time.

Adults must only enter changing rooms when absolutely necessary due to poor behaviour, injury or illness. Adults must only ever enter the changing rooms by themselves in an emergency and when waiting for another adult could result in harm to a child.

If children need supervising in changing rooms, or coaches or managers need to carry out a range of tasks in that
environment this must involve two individuals DBS cleared of the same gender as the children. For mixed gender activities separate facilities should be available.

If the same facilities must be used by adults and children on the same day a clear timetable should be established. No
pressure should be placed on children who feel uncomfortable changing or showering with others, if this is the case they should be allowed to shower and change at home.

Where a disability requires significant support from a parent; or carer, the person concerned and their parents should
decide how they should be assisted to change or shower. Before any assistance is offered by another person, appropriate consent should be given by a parent.

3. Communications with Children & Parents

When communicating by phone, text, mobile messaging services, email or on-line wherever possible Guisborough RUFC Officials, Coaches & supporting volunteers should communicate via the parent of a child.

Guisborough RUFC Officials, Coaches & supporting volunteers should not communicate with individual children by text, mobile messaging services, email or on-line at any time, on any matter, unless there is an immediate risk to the welfare of that child which can be lessened by such contact

Where communications are received from a child the parent should be copied in to the response.

Guisborough RUFC Officials, Coaches & supporting volunteers should not communicate with children through social networking sites such as Facebook. Coaches should not be “friends” with the children they coach.

4. Photographic Images

Guisborough RUFC welcomes the taking of appropriate images of children in rugby clubs with parental consent and is aware of the RFU guidance for parents and the children’s workforce to enable suitable photographs to be taken celebrating the Core Values of the sport.

Guisborough RUFC recognises that there are risks associated with the use of photographic images and obtains parental consent for photographic images to be taken whilst a child is either at the club or at away fixtures.

Personal information which can lead to a child being identified should never be used. If it is necessary to name a child Guisborough RUFC Officials, Coaches & supporting volunteers will first seek the written parental consent and have informed the parents as to how the image will be used. This is particularly important when issuing press releases and match reports.

5. Club Website & Facebook Page

Guisborough RUFC will limit publishing rights and use moderators to guard against, abusive or inappropriate content (photos, video or text), on the site itself and to prevent disclosure of personal information about a child to people accessing the website.

6. Transportation of Children

In almost all instances it is the responsibility of parents, not the club, to transport their child to and from the club or nominated meeting point.

If parents make arrangements between themselves this is a private arrangement and at the parents’ discretion.

If Guisborough RUFC hires a coach from a reputable commercial coach company it is entitled to assume that the company provides properly maintained and insured vehicles and properly licensed drivers. Children must never travel unaccompanied. A member of Guisborough RUFC must travel with the children and that adult’s contact details must be readily available to any parent who has reason to contact them.

In the event of a late collection of children, coaches and volunteers should: attempt to contact the parents, wait
with the child, preferably in the company of others, notify the Club Safeguarding Officer or another Club official and remind parents of their responsibility to collect their child promptly.

7. Tours

Any tours, overseas or domestic, undertaken by Guisborough RUFC Under 18 teams must comply with the relevant RFU Regulations and Guidance relating to tours.

This Policy was adopted by Guisborough Rugby Union Football Club Limited at the board meeting of 28th March 2018.