Players should wear appropriate sports kit -
Footwear: Astro shoes, trail shoes or trainers. Absolutely no football studs.
Shorts / skort / leggings / tracksuit trousers.
T-shirt / polo shirt / hoody, etc. We recommend layers to allow for all weather conditions.
Waterproof jacket.
Hockey or football long socks.
HWHC Club members should please bring their sports bib (please make sure it is named).
Please can players who are not club members bring an extra top in a bright colour that can be worn over their kit in place of a bib.
If rain is forecast please bring a change of clothes in a bin bag (named). This will keep spare clothes dry on the sideline.
Safety Equipment
All players must have a mouth guard and shin pads.
Shin pads can be hockey or football shin pads.
Hockey Sticks
If you need to borrow a hockey stick, please make sure you let us know at the time of booking.