Child Protection 3
Child Protection 4 of 4

4. Child Protection 3

Heaton Moor RUFC Coaches’ Code of Conduct

Any coach working with young players within Heaton Moor RUFC is part of a structure which has many stakeholders, and as such s/he has responsibilities to all of them. This code has been written to remind or inform coaches of those responsibilities and the minimum standards of behaviour commensurate with fulfilling them. Each season, every coach active within the section will be called upon to warrant that they have read, understood and intend to abide by this code.


1. Rugby is only part of players’ lives. Recognise this and allow for it in your demands on them.

2. Treat games against other clubs as lessons; opportunities to learn – not as tests.

3. Rugby at Heaton Moor is for everyone. Do not rely on ‘star’ players and never make any player feel surplus to requirements. Share game time and your time in practice sessions equally.

4. Never ridicule any player. Never belittle any player. Always make every player feel valued.

5. Find out what makes each player tick. Know about their family background and any other interests. Be able to spot and explain changes in their behaviour.

6. find out the facts about child development and the physical, intellectual and emotional capabilities of the group you work with.


1. Rugby can be a potentially dangerous game which relies upon every participant playing it in a spirit of mutual respect. Teach the players you work with the meaning of ‘fair play’ and set them a good example.

2. Rugby works best when sides are evenly matched. Insist on mixing and matching ill-matched teams.

3. The continuum has been constructed by intelligent and experienced people. Understand the continuum and abide by it to the letter. You have no option – the continuum is part of the laws of the game.

4. Learn the laws and learn how to referee.

5. Teach players, by your own example, to respect the referee – ALWAYS.


1. When you call yourself a coach, you apply to join an elite; when others call you a coach you have achieved membership. You owe it to yourself and all other coaches to behave as a coach.

a) Always look like a coach. Always act like a coach.

b) Start on time and finish on time.

c) Plan your season.

d) Plan your sessions.

e) Do not drink alcohol before you work or whilst working.

f) Do not smoke when you are working.

2. To be a good coach you need up-to-date information on coaching issues and Rugby issues. Stay in touch.

3. You are responsible for the safety of the players you work with:

a) Mark out a safe area and keep it safe.

b) Never join in with contact drills and games. You are too big and too hard and you will cause injuries.

c) Do not encourage or allow players to play with an injury. Refer injured players to their doctor or a sports injury clinic.

4. Do not put yourself in a position where you could be suspected of, or accused of, physical or sexual abuse of any child associated with the club. Use a separate changing room from players, never be alone with individuals behind closed doors and never shower or bathe with the players.

5. Tell the players and keep telling yourself that winning and losing are only by-products of performance. We are there to play and enjoy playing – nothing more.


The club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity:

“Sports equity is about fairness in Sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure that it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.”

The club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or socio-economic status.

The club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from intimidation, harassment and abuse. All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and to promote equality of opportunity. The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously and in accordance with club disciplinary procedures.

Heaton Moor RUFC Child Protection Policy

At Heaton Moor we believe that taking part in our sport should be a positive and enjoyable part of children’s lives. We want to make sure that children are protected and kept safe from physical, sexual and emotional harm whilst they are with the club’s coaches, helpers and other volunteers.

In order to achieve and ensure this we have the following aims:

· All coaches will attend a START Rugby Union Coaching Course before they begin working with children.

· A CRB check will be undertaken for all coaches, managers and volunteers.

· All coaches and other volunteers will have a job description.

· The club will actively recruit female coaches and volunteers.

· All coaches will be qualified to Level 1 before they are allowed to become the Head coach of any age group.

· Coaches will be encouraged to keep up-to-date with current rugby, coaching and child protection issues.

· Coaches will be encouraged to attend NCF coach and Child Protection workshops.

· All coaches will receive a copy of the club’s codes of conduct and will be expected to adhere to them at all times.

· Coaches will avoid one-on-one instances with children at all times.

· The club will maintain written records of attendance, parental consent and accidents.

· Coaches and parents will be supplied with a written procedure for dealing with accusations or suspicions of child abuse.

· The club will actively promote ‘fair play’ and will always participate within the spirit of the laws and the letter of the continuum.

· A Child Protection Officer has been appointed whose role will be to deal with any concerns about physical, sexual or emotional abuse within the club (currently Matt Roe, 07727 444260).