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History 2 of 3

2. History 2

The move to a new ground on Parsonage Road in 1906, a new home at the Plough Inn and the introduction of our current colours, ushered in the Club's most auspicious era. In the years up to the outbreak of World War I, the fixture list was extended to include Birkenhead Park, Broughton Park, Kendal, Liverpool, New Brighton, Preston Grasshoppers, Sale and Waterloo on this side of the Pennines, Headingley, Ottley and Sheffield on the other. Travel to away fixtures was always by train! Increased playing strength also meant fielding three sides, tours to the Lake District, Bedfordshire and the West Country and representative honours. Bainbridge, Brown, Burns and Croxford all played for Lancashire, whilst Bainbridge had the distinction of playing for Midland Counties against the original All Blacks whilst still a schoolboy.

Moor also hosted the 1908 County fixture between Lancashire and Cumberland.

Off the field, the running of the Club was left in the hands of the General Committee, which even selected the teams as the administrative burden was much lighter without a ground and buildings to oversee. Social occasions were a rarity, but an Annual Dance was held at either the Conservative or Reform Clubs. Nevertheless, a certain H. Emmott, who had musical inclinations, Composed 3 walzes named after the Club colours, which became a local "pop till" at the time. The start of (another trend was already noticeable in that members of the same family came to play for the Club, often on the same side. Pride of place must go to the four Royle brothers, who played for Moor in the first fixture. In subsequent years, Andersons, Baileys, Copleys, Halls, Harrisons, Heaps, Holloways, Clovers, Kelleys, McDonalds, McKays, Nelsons, Thompsons and Tunaleys all played.