Tudors Supporters Club 2 of 2

2. Supporters Club Travel

Tudors Supporters Club, Travel Rules:
  1. No-one will be allowed to travel on Tudors Supporters Club organised transport to away games without first completing a membership form (with photo), it being reviewed and accepted by the club.
  2. A valid membership card must be produced when buying tickets for Tudors Supporters Club organised travel, unless a card has not yet been issued to the member (for example a new member who is providing a completed membership form and photo at the point of purchasing tickets).
  3. Juveniles aged 16 or under are not required to become members if travelling with a parent/guardian who is an existing member.
  4. Non-members can travel as the guest of an existing member on ONE occasion, with the added cost of £5 to the travel fee on that one occasion. This guest must join the Tudors Supporters Club if he/she wishes to travel again. The guests travel ticket must be purchased by an existing Tudors Supporters Club member, the guest must observe the clubs travel rules and rule breaches may jeopardise the membership of the member who purchased their ticket.
  5. Due to the Sporting Events (control of alcohol) Act 1985 – no alcohol is permitted by law onto a hired coach to away games.
  6. Any form of racial or otherwise discriminative behaviour will not be tolerated by Tudors Supporters Club members at games, regardless whether they travelled with the Supporters Club on that occasion or not. In addition to this, threatening words or behaviour, breaching football ground regulations or being in possession of prohibited articles such as weapons, missiles and flares may result in membership being withdrawn indefinitely and/or a report to Police being made.
  7. Please be respectful of coach departure times. Coach departure times will be printed on the ticket provided to fans for each trip.