Code of Conduct for Parents / Spectators
Parents / Spectators have a great influence on children's enjoyment and success in football. All children play football because they first and foremost love the game - it's fun. It is important to remember that however good a child becomes at football, it is important that positive encouragement will contribute to:
· Children enjoying football.
· A sense of personal achievement.
· Self-esteem.
· Improving the child's skills and techniques.
Obligations towards the Game
The parents / spectators should
1. Set a positive example for others, particularly young players and supporters.
2. Share knowledge and experience when invited to do so, taking into account the interest of the body that has requested this rather than personal interests.
3. Avoid all forms of gamesmanship.
4. Show due respect to Match Officials and others involved in the game.
5. Always have regard for the best interests of the game, including where publicly expressing an opinion of the game and any particular aspect of it, including others involved in the game.
6. Not use or tolerate inappropriate language.
Obligations towards the Team
The parents / spectators should
1. Give priority to the interests of the team over individual interests. Avoid coaching the team or individual players during the game.
2. Resist all illegal or unsporting influences, including banned substances and techniques.
3. Promote ethical principles.
4. Show due respect for the interests of the players, coaches and officials, their own club/team and others.
5. Applaud the opposition as well as your own team.
Obligations towards the Supporters
The parents / spectators should
1. Show due respect for the interests of supporters.
Respect towards the Match Officials
A parent / spectator should
1. Accept the decisions of the Match Official without protest.
2. Avoid words or actions, which may mislead a Match Official.
3. Show due respect towards Match Officials. Remember they are volunteers providing an opportunity for children and young people to play football.