Head Coach - PAUL JONES 07837427875
Forwards Coach - DAFYDD JONES
Backs Coach- HUW THOMAS
Team Manager - Mark Jenkins 07816335024
Club Captain - DARYL DAVIES
Vice-Captain - CERI THOMAS
1st XV train twice a we...
Head Coach - PAUL JONES 07837427875
Forwards Coach - DAFYDD JONES
Backs Coach- HUW THOMAS
Team Manager - Mark Jenkins 07816335024
Club Captain - DARYL DAVIES
Vice-Captain - CERI THOMAS
1st XV train twice a week during season - Monday 7.15pm and Wednesday @ 7 pm at Cwmann Academy Pitches
All new players welcome. Contact any of the above or feel free to turn up at a training session. A warm welcome is extended to not only 1st XV players, but to all senior players who are able to contribute to the success of their respective teams this season.