Ronald Wood - Biography
Linby Colliery Welfare History 10 of 10

10. Ronald Wood - Biography

Ronald Wood was born in 1922 in Bulwell, the youngest of six brothers, and played for Linby in the successful years of the late 40’s, the ‘Tim Coleman’ years. He was called up in 1942 and joined the Navy where he played for various teams.

The top photograph is the team photo of the winning side – Ronald Wood is third from the left on the front row. Comparing it to the photo of the 1950 cup side on the Linby History section of the web site you can identify some of the players, Tim Coleman, Ray Braddow and the goalkeeper Thornley.

Around 1955-56 he went to work at Raleigh in Nottingham where he spent a number of years on the football committee.

His son Michael recently came across some of his Dad’s souvenirs and they sparked an interest.

In addition to those in the photograph below, Ronald also won:

  • Notts Amateur Football League, Champions 1941-2
  • Notts Football Alliance, Div. 1 Runners-up 1948-9
  • Notts Football Alliance, Div. II Finalists, 1955-56

Ronald Wood's individual cups in respect of the successful 1947-48 season.

Presentation Night from 1947-48 season.

Many thanks to Michael and if anyone else out there has some Linby CWFC memories please don't hesitate to get in touch via either:
Web Site Contact link
Linby CWFC Facebook page