Disciplinary Procedures
Club Policies 6 of 7

6. Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary Procedures


The purpose of this document is to state a policy which:

Maintains the image of London Welsh Rugby Club from the standpoint of player and supporter behaviour / conduct.
Reinforces the London Welsh commitment to playing a fair game in line with the laws of rugby as laid down by the RFU.
Supports the core principles of the game http://www.englandrugby.com/my-rugby/players/core-values/
For junior sections, restates our commitment to the RFU Parent and Spectator code of conduct or any successor documents that might from time to time be produced by the RFU.


London Welsh Rugby Club (the Club) reserves the right to discipline, rebuke or expel any supporter (member, parent, relation or helper), who misbehaves or brings the Club into disrepute or refuses to comply with any relevant guidelines or codes of conduct, or the playing laws or procedures laid down in the RFU regulations http://www.englandrugby.com/governance/regulations/.

Disciplinary Committee

Discipline for all matters will be administered by the relevant management committee ie Senior Men, Women’s Rugby or Junior club.

Each Committee has access to the Club Discipline Officer.
A disciplinary panel will comprise three persons appointed by the management committee. The panel will normally be comprised of the Club Discipline Officer, the relevant section Chairman or his/her appointed deputy and one other management committee member. The Club Discipline Officer will ordinarily chair any proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee. Membership may vary from time to time depending on the availability and suitability.

For reasons of Natural Justice no person with an interest in the proceedings shall be permitted to sit on the panel or take part.


The Disciplinary Committee will act at all times in accordance with the spirit of the RFU Disciplinary Procedures set out in Regulation 19 of the RFU regulations. This regulation can be found here. Without prejudice to the foregoing, all hearings and proceedings will be conducted in accordance with the provisions and procedures set by that Regulation and its relevant Age Grade Rugby appendix as appropriate unless the Committee decides for good reason that the provisions are too onerous or disproportionate to the matter being considered or not in the best interests of a junior member of the Club.

The appointed Disciplinary Committee will consider all evidence and arguments presented to it concerning the disciplinary issue and impose such penalties as are deemed necessary and constructive in the circumstances having regard to the guidance contained in the RFU Regulations and World Rugby guideline sanctions.

Such evidence may include Referees’ and Touch Judges’ reports and information from witnesses.

It should be noted that a distinction is drawn between the discipline of players and that of supporters and others.

For matters relating to players, all decision reached by the disciplinary panel may be subject to confirmation or variation by the Disciplinary Committee of Middlesex RFU (the Constituent body) or where appropriate the RFU.

For matters relating to supporters, it may be decided that a Disciplinary Committee is not appropriate. An initial decision will therefore be taken by the relevant management committee regarding the most appropriate method of effecting discipline (see below).


Sending Off
The team secretary / coach/captain must report to the Chairman of the relevant management committee, the name and address of any player sent off (together with brief details of the sending off) within twenty four (24) hours of the incident. NB He/She should also inform the parents / guardian of the player involved if representing the junior club.

At this stage, consideration will be given by the Chairman (who will take such advice as he/she deems necessary and have regard to the relevant county and RFU guidance ) as to whether immediate suspension of the player is required/warranted.

As is required by the RFU, the Club will report to the constituent body the name and address of any sent off player within 48 hours of the match.

It should be noted that this action is required whether or not the referee involved is a member of the a recognised society.
A Disciplinary Committee will take place within ten (10) days of the alleged offence, or as soon as is practically possible thereafter.

NB The Disciplinary Committee should be delayed in all cases where a referee’s report is expected from the constituent body.

Following the disciplinary hearing a full report of findings and any penalties will be reported by the Committee Chairman to the constituent body within forty eighty (48) hours. The Player will then submit his/herself as required to the constituent body's discipline procedure.

Other Matters
The Disciplinary Committee shall also have jurisdiction to investigate and rule on other playing, training or any incidents involving players which might tend to bring the Club into disrepute whether arising from any citing, the giving of yellow cards, foul play or any other incident whatsoever.

Supporters and other non-players

It should be remembered that disciplinary issues concerning supporters are likely to arise as the result of a widely differing range of circumstances. This is in contrast to the players’ situation which will normally (but not always) arise as the result of a rugby playing or training incident.

In every case concerning the formal disciplining of ‘supporters’, action may only be taken as the result of a written report from one of the match officials or from one of the Club’s appointed officers.

Such discipline is the sole responsibility of the relevant management committee i.e. Senior Men, Woman, Juniors which after giving the matter due consideration will agree an appropriate course of action.

This many involve seeking further information, setting up a Disciplinary Committee and seeking its recommendation as to disposition, making direct contact with the individuals concerned to determine a course of action, or deciding to take no action.


Any player aggrieved by the decision of the Disciplinary Committee, (or by the constituent body) shall have the right of appeal to the RFU.

All such appeals should be lodged in accordance with recommendations and requirements laid down in RFU Regulation 19: Discipline.

Any supporter, who is aggrieved by the decision of the Disciplinary Committee, shall have the right to appeal to the full Board of the London Welsh Rugby Club.