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Code of Conduct 3 of 3

3. Code of Conduct 3

Any Lead Coach, Coach or Helper working with young players within Matlock Rugby Union Football Club is part of a structure that has many stakeholders and as such he/she has responsibilities to all of them.

This code has been written to remind or inform Lead Coaches, Coaches and Helpers of those responsibilities and the minimum standards of behaviour commensurate with fulfilling them.


Rugby is only a part of players lives. Recognise this and allow for it in your demands on them

Treat games against other clubs as lessons, opportunities to learn, nor as tests

Rugby is for everyone. Matlock RUFC is for everyone. Do not rely on star players and never make any player feel like a spare part. Share game time and your time in practice sessions equally

Never ridicule any player. Never belittle any player. Always make every player feel valued and never demand unrealistic performance from a player.

Find out what makes each player tick. Get to know them as individuals

Take into account child development and the physical, intellectual and emotional capabilities of the age group with which you work


Rugby is a potentially dangerous game that relies on every participant playing it in a spirit of mutual respect. Teach the players you work with the meaning of fair play and set them a good example

Rugby works best when sides are evenly matched. Endeavour to mix and match ill-matched teams

People with masses of experience went to a lot of trouble to construct the Continuum. The Continuum is part of the Laws of the Game. Understand it and abide by it

Learn the Laws and learn to Referee

Teach players, by your own example, to respect the Referee. Always!

You owe it to yourself and to all other coaches to behave as a coach:

Always look like a coach, always act like a coach

Start on time and finish on time

Plan your season

Plan your sessions

Do not drink alcohol before you coach, or while you are coaching

Do not smoke when you are coaching

To be a good coach, you need up-to-date information on coaching issues and Rugby issues. Stay in touch.

You are responsible for the safety of the players you coach:

Do not leave players without proper supervision

Mark out a safe training area and keep it safe. Make sure equipment is in good repair and safe

Take care with contact drills and games. You are probably bigger and stronger

Do not encourage or allow players to play when injured

Suggest injured players see their doctor, or a sports injury clinic as appropriate

Do not put yourself in a position where you could be suspected of, or accused of, physical or sexual abuse of any child associated with the club. Use a separate changing room from players, never be alone with individuals behind closed doors and never get in the bath with the players.

Players are there to learn to play the game and to enjoy playing. Remind them that winning and losing is only a by-product of performance, not the only thing that matters.

The RFU summaries the Coaches’ Code of Conduct as such:

All rugby coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person with whom they work with and treat them equally within the context of rugby union;

All rugby coaches must place the physical and emotional well being of all young players above all other considerations, including the development of performance;

The relationship that a rugby coach develops with the players with whom they work must be based on mutual trust and respect;

All rugby coaches must ensure that all activities undertaken are appropriate to the age, maturity, experience and ability of the young players;

All rugby coaches must encourage young players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance;

All rugby coaches should clarify with the young players (and their parents/carers) what is expected of them both on and off the rugby field and also what they are entitled to expect from the coach;

All rugby coaches should work in partnership with others within the game (officials, doctors, physiotherapists, sports scientists) to ensure the well being, safety and enjoyment of all young players;

All rugby coaches must promote the positive aspects of the sport, e.g. fair play. Violations of the Laws of the Game, behaviour contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game or relevant regulations or the use of prohibited techniques or substances must never be condoned.