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2. Be Safe & Safeguarding

We work in line with England Netball's safeguarding policy. This is available at http://englandnetball.co.uk/governance/safeguarding.

If you need advice please contact England Netball on 01509 277850 or email besafe@englandnetball.co.uk. This is specifically for anyone involved in netball to use should they wish to discuss or report a concern about the welfare of a child in netball. It can also be used to report concerns about the behaviour of a coach, official or other staff member/volunteer towards a child in netball.

Any messages sent to this address will be received by an England Netball representative.

Norfolk United Netball Club is England Netball GOLD CAPS accredited. We make sure all our coaches are UK Coaching trained and accredited in Safeguarding & Protecting Children.