Club Constitution and Rules 2 of 2

2. Club Constitution 2012-Archive for reference



Adopted at the AGM 28 June 2012

1. NAME:

The Club shall be called Old Leamingtonians Rugby Football Club.


The colours of the Club shall be Royal Blue and Gold.


The aims of the Club shall be:
a) To play, develop and encourage Rugby Union Football.
b) To facilitate other associated sporting activities.
c) To provide social and recreational facilities for its members and the wider community.


The Club shall consist of:
a) Honorary Life Members
b) Patrons
c) Life Members
d) Playing Members
e) Social Members
f) Under 18 Playing Members
g) Family Members – Voting and Non Voting Rights see Rule 11d
Voting Members (a to e)

Non Voting Members (f)
Rule 4 f and 4g is a person who is admitted to membership and whose rights as a member are restricted as determined by the Management Committee.

5. MEMBERSHIP Rule 4a to 4e:

a) The President of the Club shall be an Honorary Life Member and elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

b) The granting of Honorary Life Membership to any individual shall be proposed annually at the AGM but only following a meeting of current Honorary Life Members at which any such nominations will be discussed. This discussion will be based on a thorough scrutiny of the nominee’s qualifications and previous involvement in the affairs of the club as outlined in Rule 21 Operational Procedures.

The names of any suitable nominees will then be submitted to the Executive/Management Committee in writing by 30th April preceding the AGM for inclusion in the AGM Notice.

No individual not so scrutinised and proposed by the current Honorary Life Member’s may be elected as an HLM.

Any names listed in the AGM Notice as candidates for Honorary Life Membership will be voted on individually at the AGM.

The total number of Honorary Life Members shall not exceed 10% of the number of voting Members at the date of the AGM.

c) Patrons Qualifications. Any Member shall become a Patron of the Club on payment to the Hon Treasurer of the Annual subscription specified in rule 8.

d) No person shall be admitted to individual membership without Committee approval. Membership confirmed upon payment of annual subscription.

e) Subject to the foregoing provisions, persons who have attained the age of sixty five years shall be entitled to continued membership on payment of a single subscription specified in Rule 8 and will be known as Life Members.

f) Membership shall not be refused on the grounds of Sex, Race, Religion or Disability.


The Executive Officers of the Club shall be as follows:

a) Chairman
b) Vice Chairman
c) Honorary Secretary
d) Honorary Treasurer
e) Honorary Bar Chairman
f) Honorary Chairman of Rugby
g) Honorary Life Member elected by the Hon Life Members

They shall form the Executive Committee. A to F will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. G will be elected annually by the Honorary Life Members. All retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election provided that they continue to be members of the club. The Executive Committee shall meet quarterly (interim meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman). 4 members shall form a Quorum. The Executive Committee shall discuss policies, clubhouse and ground development and procedures of the Club. Minutes shall be circulated to the Management Committee and when approved and signed placed in the minute book which is available to all members.


a) The day to day running of the Club shall be managed by a Management Committee which shall consist of the following. Other members may be co-opted by the Management Committee:

i. The Executive Officers of the Club
ii. 1st XV Captain
iii. Ground Secretary
iv. Clubhouse Secretary
v. Fixture Secretary
vi. Press & Publicity
vii. Sponsorship
viii. Membership Secretary
ix. Lettings Secretary
x. Safeguarding Officer
xi. Ladies Chair Person
xii. Mini & Junior Chair Person

b) The Management Committee shall meet monthly. The Chairman of the Club shall take the Chair at all Management Committee meetings and in their absence the Vice Chairman shall take the Chair and in their absence those present are empowered to elect an Acting Vice-Chairman. The Chairman of the meeting does not have a vote. In the event of equality of voting the Chairman of the meeting should have a casting vote.

c) Six members of the Management Committee, including at least two Executive Officers, shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Management Committee.

d) Any member may attend committee meetings as an observer provided 72hrs notice is given to the Hon. Secretary.

e) The Management Committee shall discuss matters relevant to the day to day running of the club. They shall receive section and individual reports and discuss in-house events, relevant matters appertaining to RFU, County, District or Warwickshire Society of Referees. Minutes shall be circulated and once approved and signed placed in the minute book which is available to all members.

The subscription year shall be 1st September to 31st August, or as determined by the Management Committee.
The subscription shall be determined annually by the Management Committee and notice of such subscriptions shall be posted on the Club notice board in July of each year.

Membership shall cease:

a) By non-payment of subscription as detailed in Rule 8, by a date detailed in Rule 21 Appendix 2. Any member whose membership has ceased from this cause shall not be nominated for membership until they previously pay all arrears due from them at the time of ceasing to be a member.

b) By expulsion. The Management Committee shall have power, at any of its meetings, to reprimand, suspend or expel any member whose conduct is, or has been, in their opinion, detrimental to the interests of the Club, but no member shall be suspended or expelled without first being summoned before the Management Committee to explain their conduct and opportunity given to advance a defence.

c) A member who has been reprimanded, suspended or expelled by the Management Committee shall have the right to appeal the decision to the President of the Club. The President of the Club shall form and Chair an appeal committee of 2 selected from Hon Life members or other neutral members at their discretion. The appeal committee shall have the power to over turn, confirm or increase any reprimand, suspension or expulsion. Their decision shall be final and binding to all parties.


a) The Honorary Treasurer shall keep such proper books of accounts that will enable the Hon.Treasurer to present at every Annual General Meeting of the Club, or at any other time if required (on reasonable notice to them) by the Management Committee, an accurate report and statement concerning the finances of the Club,

b) The Financial Year of the Club shall end on 31st March annually, unless otherwise agreed at an AGM and a Balance Sheet shall be prepared for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. The accounts shall be prepared professionally by a firm of Chartered Accountants.


a) An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in every year and there shall not be more than 15 months between one Annual General Meeting and the next. Notice of the day and time of the Annual General Meeting shall be posted in the Club in the manner prescribed in Rule 21 for a period of at least 14 days before such day.

b) An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club may be summoned at any time by the Management Committee and shall be so summoned immediately upon any 10% of the fully paid up membership on the date that any specific item(s) for an EGM is (are) raised (each being entitled under Rule 11 (c) to vote), delivering to the Management Committee a written request in that behalf. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be summoned by causing a notice thereof to be posted in the manner prescribed in Rule 19 for a period of at least 14 days immediately before the day appointed for the meeting, but this period may be abridged at the discretion of the Management Committee if the urgency of the business to be discussed in their opinion so requires.

c) At any General Meeting of the Club, every member of the Club shall be entitled to be present. Members defined in Rule 4 (a) to 4 (e) and 4 (g) shall be entitled to one vote on every question raised, in the case of equality of voting the Chairman of the meeting who shall be the Club Chairman or in their absence a member elected for the occasion before any business is opened shall have a second or casting vote.

d) Family members may purchase Social membership at a discounted rate agreed by the committee. In such cases voting rights will be given to one adult (over 18) per family membership.

e) The Secretary shall take Minutes of the proceedings at all General Meetings of the Club.

Guest players shall be allowed to play, provided they are introduced as visitors to the Club and they do not play to the exclusion of paid up members, or in contravention of the Rules of any Union or Association to which the Club belongs.

The Club shall be opened and closed at such times and such hours as the Management Committee shall determine in accordance with the Premises Licence.

The supply of alcohol under the Premises Licence must be made or authorized by the Designated Premises Supervisor. The Management Committee shall secure the due observance of the provisions of the Premises Licence.


Visitors will be admitted at the discretion of the Management Committee and be allowed to enjoy the privileges of the club.
The following shall not be admitted as visitors:

i) former members who have ceased to be members under Clauses (b) of Rule 9

ii) Persons who, having been nominated, have been refused membership.

The Management Committee at its discretion shall be empowered to hire out the facilities of the Club to Non Members for financial benefit to the Club.


No alterations to these rules shall be made except at a General Meeting or a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose. Notice of any proposed alteration must be given in writing to the Hon Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the meeting.


a) There shall be a minimum of 3 Trustees of the Club who shall be appointed from time to time by the Management Committee. A Trustee shall hold office during their life, or until they shall resign by notice in writing given to the Management Committee, or until a resolution removing them from office shall be passed at a meeting of the Management Committee.

b) All property of the Club, including landed investments, shall be held by the Trustees for the time being, in their own name so far as necessary and practicable, for the use and benefit of the Club. On the death, resignation or removal from office of a Trustee the Management Committee shall appoint a new Trustee in their place; and shall, as soon as possible after, take all lawful and practical steps to procure the vesting of all Club property into the names of the Trustees as constituted after the said appointment.

c) The Trustees shall in all respects act, in regard to any property of the Club held by them, in accordance with the directions of the Management Committee; and shall have the power to sell, lease, mortgage or pledge any Club property for the purpose of raising or borrowing money for the benefit of the Club in compliance with the Management Committee directions. But no purchasers, lessee or mortgagee shall be concerned to enquire whether any such direction has been given.


The Club shall be affiliated to the Rugby Football Union and the Warwickshire Rugby Football Union and shall be bound by their rules.


A copy of the Constitution and Rules shall be exhibited on the Club premises and supplied to any member upon request to the Hon Secretary.


Each member shall keep the Membership Secretary informed of their e-mail address and member's private address, Nevertheless, it shall not be necessary to send any notice intended for members generally to any member by post or otherwise, All notices shall be posted by being affixed in a prominent position on the Club premises in a part of the Club premises that is frequented by members; and it shall be the duty of the Hon Secretary to ensure that any such notice remains so exhibited throughout any period required in that behalf by or under these Rules.


If the number of members defined in Rules 4 (a) to 4 (e) totals shall at any time fall below 10, or if at any time the Club shall pass in General Meeting by a majority comprised of two-thirds or more of the members present and entitled to vote a resolution (in this Rule called 'the first resolution') of its intention to dissolve, the Management Committee or, failing them, the Trustees shall take immediate steps to convert into money all property of the Club, with power however to postpone or delay the conversion of any particular property if the Club in General Meetings shall so authorize.
Out of the proceeds of such conversion, the Trustees shall discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club, including the expenses of such conversion, and any other balance remaining in their hands shall be disposed of by them as the Club in General Meeting shall resolve, and thereupon the Club shall for all purposes be dissolved. Provided that the Club shall not, within six months after the date of the first resolution, resolve upon the disposition of any balance, the same shall be divided equally between all persons who were members under Rules 4 (a) to 4 (e) at the date of the first resolution.
A copy of the notice convening a General Meeting to consider Dissolution shall be sent by the Hon Secretary by post to every member at the address last notified to the Hon Secretary under Rule 23 not less than 14 days before the date appointed for the meeting, but any accidental omission to send such copy or the non-receipt of the same shall not invalidate any proceedings or resolutions.


Operational procedures can and will be changed as required to meet the operational running of the club. These operational procedures will form a separate working document.

Rule 21 Appendices:

I. Hon Life Members Qualification
II. Payment of Subscriptions
III. Cessation of Membership
IV. List of Members names and addresses
V. Data Protection
VI. Disciplinary Procedure