Club Information 6 of 7

6. Oxford Harlequins Club and RFU Rules & Regulations

Oxford Harlequins Rugby Club Limited Rules

These rules of the Club are made pursuant to Article 29 and Article 36 of the Club's Articles of Association. The terms used shall have the same meaning as in the Articles of Association. Where there is any inconsistency between these Rules and the Articles of Association, the provisions of the Articles of Association shall prevail.

1. Membership

Under Article 36, the Club consists of Voting Members.

2. Voting Members

The Voting Members shall be:
2.1 people who participate in playing rugby union (whether competitively or not) for or at the Club (Playing Members);
2.2 people who are supporters of the Club (Social Members);
2.3 coaches and/or officials who represent the Club in that capacity (Coach Members);
2.4 administrators and volunteers who have qualities to promote the objects of the Club, (Skilled Members); and
2.5 individuals who have been elected as Life Members of the Club in accordance with Article 31.1.5.

3. Non-Voting Members

The Non-Voting Members shall be:
3.1 people who participate in playing rugby union (whether competitively or not) for or at the Club and who are under the age of 18 and who have chosen to apply to be a Non-Voting Member and who are admitted to the Club by the Board in accordance with the Articles (Junior Members);]

4. Rights and Privileges of Members

4.1 Voting Members are entitled (under the Articles of Association) to receive notice of, attend and vote at general meetings of the Club (either in person or through his proxy), propose and second candidates for election, receive all Club publications and to such other membership rights as the Club in general meeting shall from time to time determine.

4.2 Non-Voting Members are entitled to receive all Club publications and such other membership rights as the Club in general meeting shall from time to time determine. They are not entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at general meetings of the Club or propose and second candidates for election.

5. Entrance Fee

There shall be such entrance fee for members as the Board may from time to time resolve in accordance with the Articles, the board shall make reasonable endeavours to ensure that the level of entrance fees for members allows access to the club for the whole community and where necessary provide special measures to provide access to the club for those members who require financial support in order to access membership.

6. Subscriptions

6.1 The annual subscription payable by members of the Club, subject to alteration as provided later in this rule, shall be set by the Board from time to time in accordance with the Articles.

6.2 The subscription year shall be from 1 September in the current year to 31 August inclusive in the following year. Any change in subscription made by the Board will be notified to members by being included in any notice, newsletter, or similar document posted to the member by being addressed to him at his last known address, or by posting this information prominently on the Website, on or before 31st July next following after the decision to make the increase and will take effect on the first day of September following such notification.

6.3 Members admitted at any time during the year shall pay such proportion of the annual subscription as apportioned to represent the number of full months remaining in the subscription year.

6.4 In the event that a member's membership is terminated for any reason, no refund of a subscription or entrance fee shall be payable unless the Board decides otherwise.

7. Expulsion of Members

The Board has power under the Articles to expel a member in accordance with Article 30.

8. Rules Concerning Provision of Alcohol on the Club Premises

8.1 Purchase for the Club and supply by the Club of intoxicating liquor must be in the absolute discretion of the Management Committee [provided these are all elected by the members and over 18] being members over the age of 18 and elected for that purpose by the members.

8.2 If any member of the sub-committee for any reason ceases to be a member, he automatically ceases to be a member of the sub-committee, and another member must be elected by the members in his place.

8.3 The sub-committee must not in any way be restricted in freedom of purchase.

8.4 No one may at any time receive at the expense of the Club or any member any commission, percentage or similar payment on or with reference to purchases of intoxicating liquor by the Club.

8.5 No one may directly or indirectly derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the Club to members or guests apart from any benefit accruing to the Club as a whole and apart also from any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise to or contributing to a general gain from the carrying on of the Club.

9. Guests

9.1 Any member may introduce guests to the Club, and any player, coach, other team representative, match official or spectator attending the Club's premises (by invitation of the Club) who is not a member shall be a guest of the Management Committee, provided that no one whose application for membership has been declined or who has been expelled from the Club may be introduced as a guest.

9.2 A member introducing a guest and any person introduced as a guest of the Management Committee must enter the name and address of the guest together with the name of the introducer in a record which must be kept on the Club's premises or be accessible online from the Club’s premises.

9.3 No one may be admitted as a guest on more than seven occasions in any calendar year.

10. Opening of Club premises

The Club is open at such other times or for such other periods as the Management Committee shall decide.

11. Permitted Hours

The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquor and provision of regulated entertainment shall be as permitted by the Club's Club Premises Certificate.

12. Use of Clubhouse

Members may use the Clubhouse for all rugby-related purposes provided that their use of the Clubhouse do not come into conflict with the overall benefit of the Clubhouse to the other members of the club.

13. Interpretation of the Rules

The interpretation of the rules shall be the prerogative of the Board.