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Cup Clash for Oaks 1st XV

Cup Clash for Oaks 1st XV

James McFarlane24 Oct 2014 - 06:28
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The Mighty Oaks travel to Totnes for their cup match this saturday ...

Oaks look to build on last weekends somewhat dissapointing performace against Old Techs.. They travel away to Totnes , who are not to be under estimated despite there lack luster start in Devon 1 this season..

Oaks from - Lewis Tremblett , James McFarlane , Mark Barrett , Tim "You can do it " Coats , Sam " The Beard" Jailler , Ben Duggan , "Captain" Kirk Tunniclife , David Byng.

Gareth Higginson , Ollie Marshall , Ben Hockey , Brett Tunnicliffe , Conor Fennell , Corey Jamieson , Ross Perkins .

If you are stuck for something to do this saturday... why not jump on the train to totnes , come and support the Oaks

Further reading