Family Affairs
Club History 5 of 7

5. Family Affairs

Any Rugby club tends to have relatives who have played for the club. Redditch is fortunate to have had many instances of relations who have played for the club over time.
R.L.Huins and S.J.Huins, of Huins Shoes, who figure on the immediate pre-war committee and the post war set up were brothers and perhaps the first family affair in the club.
With the introduction of a ladies team we have altered the normal view of father and son, brothers, uncle and nephew. The Mills family has Garry, Judy, James and Sarah all actively playing for Redditch Rugby club. Add elder brother Roy and a couple of cousins who also played, and we have a unique family combination.
Founder members Frank Cardy and Tony Carr have left lasting memories through their families still active in the club. Frank’s son Glyn has been a stalwart of the club in the times that he has lived in the area. Glyn, in turn, had two sons, Mark and Neil who played regularly, with Neil (Nelly) still appearing regularly for the Exiles. Neil’s son and daughter have both tasted rugby at the club thought their preference at the moment lies with Hockey where Joe is a fearless goal keeper.
Tony’s sons Brian and Andy have both given tirelessly on and off the field since they were children, while Andy’s son Harry also plays for the club.
(There are many other family combinations out there with brothers Matt and Mike Allen and father and son Jack and Martin McLarney among the latest. If you have a combination you want recorded let me know. Skippy).