The 2012 AGM Pack 1 of 4

1. AGM Agenda 2012

Sanderstead CC 2012 AGM Pack

2012 AGM Agenda

1 Apologies for absence. (please send to Sue Ward by email) or call me on 07719725686
2 Adoption of the minutes of the SCC 2011 AGM held on Thursday 1st December 2011 (See Section 1 - link opposite)
3 Matters arising from the 2011 minutes.
4 Officers reports for the 2012 season (all reports received are marked * and contained in Section 2 - link opposite)
a. Hon. Chairman*
b. Hon. Secretary*
c. Hon. Fixture Secretary*
d. Hon. Ground Chairman*
e. Hon. Bar Chairman
f. Club Captain*
g. 1st XI Captain*
h. 2nd XI Captain*
i. 3rd XI Captain*
j. 4th XI Captain*
k. Sunday Captain*
l. Colts Manager*
m. Hon Treasurer’s report*
5 Adoption of the accounts for the year 2012
6 Subscriptions and match fees proposals**
7 Election of President. See Section 3 - link opposite.
8 Election of Officer’s for 2013. See Section 3 - link opposite
9 Club awards for the 2012 season. (See Section 3 - link opposite)
a. Steve Joyce Trophy
b. Clubman of the Year
10 Any other business
a. Winter Nets
b. Provisional dates for 2013 SCC management committee meetings
i. Wednesday 13th February 2013
ii. Wednesday 27th March 2013
iii. Wednesday 8th May 2013
iv. Wednesday 12th June 2013
v. Wednesday 17th July 2013
vi. Wednesday 4th September 2013
vii. Wednesday 16th October 2013
c. AGM to be held Thursday 28th November 2013

** Subscriptions and Match Fees for 2013.
My resignation as Treasurer came very late in the day and I have decided that it would be incorrect for me to offer any thoughts on either subscriptions or match fees for 2013. I propose that the AGM authorises the Committee to make these proposals at their meeting in February and post them on the website and advise members by email.
Similarly a budget for 2013 would be equally difficult for me to set and this must be the first job for the incoming Treasurer.