The 2012 AGM Pack 3 of 4

3. SECTION 2 - Officers reports 2012

Sanderstead CC 2012 AGM Pack

Officers Reports to 2012 AGM
Thursday 29th November 2012

Hon Chairman

Despite the best efforts of the weather, 2012 has been a very successful and significant season for the Club.

On the field, the 2nd XI won their division and have now achieved the Club’s highest-ever league status by reaching the dizzy heights of the Surrey Championship 1st Division.

Off the field, your Committee has made considerable strides in executing its long-term plans for the Club. Crucially, this has involved a significant amount of fund-raising and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved (notably, Andy Keen), including the sponsors who have made such an important contribution to enable us to invest in our facilities.

During this season, you will have seen our new covers and one new roll-on/roll-off net cage. In the new season you will find a brand new, double-length practice strip (which replaces the old net surface in the corner of the ground) and another net cage to follow.

In addition, plans are already in place to refurbish the clubhouse exterior, together with some improvements inside.

All of these initiatives symbolise the success of the committee in working hard together to improve life for everyone. Please enjoy and respect the new facilities!

Financially, we had a successful season and almost all of this year’s profit has been reinvested into the facilities. It’s crucial that members continue to support the Club financially – from paying subs & match fees to attending social events and participating in the 100 Club Draw. This year’s Summer Party was another success and thanks go to Tommy Sherlock in particular for pulling this all together.

Finally, but by no means least, I’d like to thank all those who supported the Friends of Sanderstead initiative. Keith Haynes was the driving force behind this and ensured we had the funds to build the new net surface. Thanks Keith!

On the field, the weather did its best to spoil things – from affecting pitch preparation to causing a few fixtures to be cancelled. Hopefully, we’ll have better luck next season and the 1’s & 2’s will benefit from the new covers.

This year’s highlight was undoubtedly the promotion of the 2’s (as divisional champions), secured in fine style by winning the last game of the season and consuming the first drops of celebratory champagne before leaving the outfield! Under Gregg Pettifor’s captaincy the team ended the season with a strong run and are already looking forward to aiming for the Premiership next season!

The 1’s were strong (as always) but suffered a mid-season hiatus which denied back-to-back promotions, but Dan Udall is hopeful of a sustained push for promotion next season. The 3’s & 4’s had solid seasons (well done Tom & Derek), as did the Sunday XI under Jerry Ward. Thanks to everyone involved.

The Colts were also strong and brought home one league championship.

It was no coincidence that the energy of this season led to the Club restoring an annual mid-season tour. Thanks to Keith Haynes for organising a highly enjoyable trip to Worcester and I hope this will be supported in 2013 and beyond.

Back to the Committee and the news that, after decades of hard work (going all the way back to the 1970’s), Ian Witchell is not standing for re-election as Treasurer (which follows his retirement as Groundsman earlier this year). I can’t recall a Committee at the Club without Ian being involved and I’d like to thank him for all his support to the Club and, latterly, to me as Chairman.

Ian has always absorbed a huge amount of work on the Club’s behalf – a fact which is easily overlooked - and I’ve greatly appreciated his input. Ian’s last contribution on the Committee was to launch the Club’s new website (something which would have been inconceivable when Ian first sat on the Committee). I hope he will still be available outside of the Committee-room – maybe over the odd beer on a Saturday night!

Outside of the Committee it has been refreshing to see so many people wanting to get involved and help the Club move forward. Thanks to our new Secretary, Sue Ward, for injecting so much passion into the role. The Committee puts in a huge effort all year round and it’s really good to see other people helping out – especially when we can deliver such tangible results. Thanks to you all….and please keep it up!

Finally, this year two of our best-loved and most-respected senior citizens have encountered bouts if ill-health. Fortunately, they are responding well to this unwelcome intervention and my continued best wishes go to Harley Sherlock and Pat Brown for a full recovery. There’s so much to look forward to in 2013 and beyond – not least would be to see these two fine Club stalwarts restored to health!

Winter well and I hope current events in India are keeping the juices flowing for the season ahead.

Hon Secretary

Firstly i would like to breathe a hugh sigh of relief as my first year as SCC Hon Secretary comes to a conclusion with our AGM. It has been an eventful year with lots going on behind the scenes.

I would like to thank everyone, particularly my committee members for being so supportive of myself taking on a role i knew little about. I'm sure i have made many mistakes, but i know i have learnt along the way and i hope i will continue to learn how to be an effective Secretary.
Another big thanks must go to all my fellow committee members for all the hard work during the year, attending committee meetings and generally making sure the club is run smoothly.

We have achieved a lot this season. Getting good sponsors, new covers, new practice surface and nets. All will go towards the future strong development of our club. Already this season we have had some great results from our Colts and Senior Teams. All details of these are in the captains reports, so please read.

I would like to invite all Members to pass on any feedback on how well they think the club is being run, things they do/don't like and also any suggestions on things they would like us to do. This is your club and there may well be simple things that are being missed or overlooked. Please just drop me an email, talk to me in person or ring me, i will always be open minded and approachable.

Finally a special thanks needs to go to Ian Witchell who is having a well deserved rest from the demanding job of being Groundsman and Honorary Treasurer. Ian has put a lot of hard work, many hours and lots of dedication into his roles, something we all need to aspire to, so we can help make our club the best it can be.
Sue Ward

Hon Fixture Secretary

Having taken over the role of Fixture secretary at the AGM in 2011 please find the below activity which centred around back filling gaps in the Sunday team fixtures which was achieved by adding the following teams Chaldon, Leigh, Mitcham, Addington 1743, Slinfold and John Fisher Old Boys ( the latter not to be renewed for 2012). A full fixture list to the end of September was obtained and hopefully will be repeated for 2013

A tour of Worcester was arranged with 4 games at the end of July. Following its success it will be repeated in 2013 subject to advance support from touring members.

The club entered the Surrey Championship T20 competition on the back of our ones moving into Div. 5. Likely to be repeated in 2013
We also entered a Fitness Zone SCC team into the Sutton SLOG summer 6,s and won the competition. We will enter again next year probably to defend our trophy

Midweek games were limited to The Presidents game, Warlingham and Falcons. Similar for 2013 is planned.

We were offered a tour to Malaga in September which was declined. The same offer is available for 2013 but again it is felt that with a Worcester tour that this was too much touring.

For 2013 we have been invited to participate in 2 knock out cup competitions. The Surrey Championship T20 which requires opt-in for 2013. The Club Conference Sunday knockout Cup is also an option. At time of going to press a definitive decision from Dan and Gregg is still awaited as both cups will require commitment to participate.
Sutton Slog has invited us, and we have accepted, to participate in an indoor Winter 6 a side league after the New Year.

Saturday adult fixtures run themselves as all 4 teams are in the Surrey Championship League. There can be the issue or us being granted 3 home games on the same date. This was solved by a combination of using Trinity Midwives 2nd ground or having 2 games on the Recreation Ground which makes for a busy clubhouse at tea and after play. With weather being such a large factor in cancelling games a keen eye needed to be kept on pitch permit credits. The big result with Croydon County Council was finally obtaining after 18 years a key to the pavilion road barrier meaning that our captains can deliver scoreboard, stumps and chairs to the door. We were also treated to the "Nania" changing facilities for the season meaning plenty of space for teams when changing even when we had both pitches in use.

A few pre and post season friendlies were arranged for various teams and lessons learnt from 2012 on which players support such friendlies. For 2013 there will be no formal pre-season friendlies on Saturdays but an interclub game. Post season I will be arranging for 2/3 home games on the main ground for 3/4s to play Outwood and Old Ruts.

A Camberford Law day is to be arranged hopefully on Sunday 25th Aug (Bank Holiday).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Friends of Sanderstead CC who supported me in getting the much needed funds for our new net facility. Without this the club would have had to have negotiated loan facilities or some form of donation that would have had strings attached.
Keith Haynes

Club Captain

The season started full of optimism after 2011’s double promotion, but sadly the weather wasn’t on our side this year, the wettest year in my memory and it’s still raining. Maybe I should take up surfing!
Dan Udall’s 1st XI had a frustrating season, which saw them lose 5 games to the rain and with some poor umpiring from the opposition, found their promotion dreams wash away with the rain. With a little more luck promotion will be the aim for 2013.

The 2nd XI, led by senior pup, Gregg Pettifor, defied the rain and with the help of all the other young pups and aided by one weirdly old chairman went one better than 2011 and gained promoted to the 1st Division as Champions! Very well done. We have never as a club been at this lofty height in the Surrey Championship, so 2013 will be a very interesting year, which I am sure they will rise to the challenge.

The 3rd XI had a vast improvement on 2011 and at one point was chasing promotion but had to settle upper mid table finish. Promotion should be the aim for 2013.

Derek Rushforth's 4th XI, continued on what they do best, and helped colts with their journey into adult league cricket. Won a few and lost a few but fun was had by all! 4s will continue with this aim for 2013. Jerry’s Sunday side had some good results this season and will aim to do so again next year.

Off the field, we have had an excellent season, thanks to a lot of rain and a subsequent very kind & generous donation by Ian & Jacqui Pettifor, we have been able to purchase roll on/roll off covers. This will help in getting more games to go ahead in wet conditions, for many seasons to come and as a club we are very grateful.

Again as a result of the ‘Friends of Sanderstead’ donation we have just had installed a much needed new net facility and along with the 2 new roll on/roll off nets, our practices will be a lot more beneficial. Can I thank Jerry Ward & Keith Haynes for their contribution in this matter? One word of advice when bowling to Josh ‘Bone Breaker’ Brooker please make sure you are wearing pads, gloves, box and a helmet! Or just remember to duck!

In January 2013, as an aid to starting preparations for 2013, we have joined an Indoor Slog Cricket League, to be played on Tuesday nights from the 15th January to 19th March in a new building in Carshalton. This is a 6 a side competition and anyone interested in playing, please let me know.

Winter nets starts at Whitgift School on Wednesday 13th March – 17th April 2013, 8.30-10pm. We have a shorter run but have 3 nets/session, so there should be plenty of time to get some good practice. We are always on the lookout for new talent, at all levels, so please free to bring anyone along who would like to play for SCC.

Can I take this opportunity to thank the committee who have worked incredibly hard to make all the above happen and will continue to so. Special mention should go to Sue Ward, who as first lady of Sanderstead, has been a breath of fresh air.

I feel the club as whole has gained a lot of momentum in the last few years and with the help of all members things will continue to improve both on and off the pitch. Remember the more you put in the more you get out it. So please keep up the good work!

As with all great thing coming to an end, it is time for Ian Witchell to put away his lap top, throw away his dirty track suit and take a very well earned rest. Ian is stepping down as Groundsman and Treasurer and having served valiantly on the committee in one guise or another since the 1870’s (sorry 1970’s), I would like to thank him for wonderful contribution to Sanderstead CC.
Rob Hollands

Hon Ground Chairman
A particularly wet spring / early summer made life tricky for Ian and the Grounds team and a number of games were lost to the weather early season. Preparation was further hindered by the heavy roller playing up once again. Special mention therefore must be made of all the time and effort Ian and Jerry spent endeavouring to fix it, in which task they eventually succeeded.

One particularly encouraging development was the arrival of covers mid season. Now that our respective 1st and 2nd X1s are taking the club to an ever higher level it was apparent that most of the oppositions had covers and that there was an increasing level of expectation that we should have tham too. They cost money however ! As Rob has pointed out in his Club Captain's report we are especially grateful therefore to Ian and Jacqui Pettifor for their most generous financial donation to the club that has enabled us to purchase these covers.

A further encouraging development is the installation of new net facilities currently underway in the close season. Again much gratitude is owed to all those people who have responded to Keith Haynes's fund raising appeal for the new nets. Consequently the new facilities should help to enable us to keep pace off the field with the progress being made on the field. These are exciting times for our club.

Many thanks as ever are owed to Ian and Jerry for all the the hard work they put in over the season, and to the likes of Richie Bull who were happy to muck in when required. A special debt of gratitude is owed to Ian who is standing down after so many years that I've lost count of them ! Well done Ian for all the time and effort he's put into the job over such a long period of time.

In terms of a new Groundsman I'm already in touch with a new chap, Brian Poulten, who has come highly recommended to us by Denham Earl ( of the Surrey Championship and Warlingham CC ). Richie Bull has also indicated a willingness to step up to the plate. Nothing is finalised yet but and I am currently in discussion with both Brian and Richie over who might do what etc, and I am optimistic that the new team will be in place shortly.

Thanks also once again to Sarah Jane who continues to follow in Harley's footsteps by working on the Ground, specifically on the periphery of the outfield where her endeavours have helped to maintain the attraction and beauty of the Saw Mill. I suspect the AGM will come too quickly for Harley to attend but he continues to make steady progress and looks forward to seeing you all for a pint and a chat come the new season.


Fund Raiser
Will appear here shortly

Hon Bar Chairman
Will appear here shortly

1st XI Captain

Well after a truly amazing season for Sanderstead, winning Division 1 of the Fullers League hopes were high to gain promotion from Division 5 of the Surrey Championship, however it was going to be difficult with the loss of our all rounder Phil Roodt and one of our key batsmen Andrew Keen being out for most of the season.

And the season didn’t start too well when Sanderstead’s first two games were rained off meaning promotion would be difficult. We started playing in the middle of May and got to winning ways immediately, by the middle of July Sanderstead were surprised to sit top of the league considering others had had a 20 point start on them.

However, the loss away to Old Kingstonians not only seemed to knock our confidence but it was going to be a hard struggle when Latif Ullah decided he did not want to play cricket anymore. Plus Russ Carter was struggling with illness. Youngsters from the two’s were brought in and did a really good job but Sanderstead had lost their winning ways.

The luck just wasn’t going our way when in August there was still a slim chance of winning if we could beat Sinjuns. After starting well the heavens opened and it meant Sanderstead had had 4 games abandoned compared to others with only one or two. This year was just not meant to be.

Special mention must go to the youngsters, Tyler Ward and George Jackson who came in to the team at a difficult time and did really well. Special mention must also go to the superb bowling of Simon Carter and Russ Carter and the superb batting of our overseas Abdul Muzammil.
Dan Udall

2nd XI Captain

Having been promoted last year, we were unsure what to expect coming into an unknown league. Fortunately we found our feet quickly and performed above all expectations, finishing 1st in a very competitive league.

Our bowling was our main strength and special mention must go to Scott Pettifor who finished as top wickets taker in the league, with 40 wickets, and our other opening bowler, Matt Hilton, a not far second with 34. Rob Rushforth and Chris Aeschlimann playing the supporting act with plenty of spinners wickets.

On the batting front, Yogi Branch led the way, amassing 526 runs which saw him named the leading run scorer in the league. Josh Cox-Brooker’s hard hitting returned nearly 400 runs for the side and captain Gregg Pettifor chipped in with a useful 250 runs. There were other good knocks from Scott Pettifor, Rodger Wallbank, Tom Archer and Tom Windsor as well.

It is worth mentioning that although over 20 players represented Sanderstead 2s this year, the 11 players that won the league all graduated through the clubs superb colts system. A real success for the club.
Gregg Pettifor

3rd XI Captain

P16 W6 WD2 L4 A4 Finished 8th

The 2012 season was a much steadier year for the 3s. Staying well clear of the relegation zone all season. Our season started very brightly, winning four out of the first five. The season sadly petered out somewhat. Not managing to bowl out Kingstonians or Kempton cost us some valuable points and we lost touch with the promotion chasers. This season, showed that our club is in good shape for the future, being able to call on some very talented colts players made selection a lot easier and some match winning performances came from our colts, special mention must go to young Tom Ottewill who was voted our player of the year. I would also like to single out our umpire Patrick Sherlock who umpired every single game for us this year despite never once seeing an opposing umpire.

Overall, the league was played in excellent spirits by the majority of teams and look forward to playing in the same league next season.
Tom Palfrey

4th XI Captain

Played 14, Won 4, Losing Draw 1, Lost 6, Abandoned 3

Playing in the Eastern Division of the 4th XI league, we finished a creditable 5th out of 8 participating teams. Although the season was blighted by the weather competitive and enjoyable cricket was had by all. We again did the double over local foes Trinity Mid-Whitgiftians and thwarted Addiscombe with one of the memorable backs to the wall efforts, I can only apologise. I congratulate all the other teams in the league in playing to the spirit of the league this year.

We achieved our aim of giving a new batch of promising colts their first taste of senior competitive cricket. Hopefully with another year playing next year we will have some more stars of the future. The colts were as ever ably supported by the more senior members of the team.

On the batting front there were good innings from Oliver Knight, James Allen, Harrison Weaver and Hugh Duncan, who accumulated the most runs for the team during the year. On the bowling front Keith Haynes was our top wicket taker although Johnny Lock was a close up 2nd, including a very good 5 for 4 at Merstham. Ken Ekem deserves a special mention as being one of the unluckiest bowlers in the league.

The wicket keeping duties were shared between the ever reliable Hugh Duncan and the promising Matt Walton. Lyndsey Walters slip fielding still defies the years. I would also like to mention Korky Bull for his all round skills and the amazing support he gave to the team in getting things sorted out on match days.

Derek Rushforth

Sunday XI Captain

Played 14, Won 7, Draw 3, Lost 2, Drawn 5, Rained off 6

Unfortunately the weather did not help, and a number of games were either rained off or abandoned.

Ironically our game against Tadworth was an exact repeat of last year, they batted first, and posted a total, Sanderstead managed to get to
10 overs before the rain set in and the match was abandoned, perhaps we will be more fortunate in 2013? However 2012 proved to be another good year, and the results mentioned above prove this.

The team again had a good mixture of young and older players, from all elevens including our overseas player Abs who turned out for a game against Old Mids. One of the best matches of the season was against the Cricket Society where Sanderstead gained a win in a match with over 500 runs being scored in total.

Well done to all those who played for the Sunday X1, once again we have seen some quality cricket take place.

Thanks go to all those that helped during the season including our regular umpire Edward Handley, Ian Witchell for pitch preparation and of course the players themselves.
Jerry Ward

Colts Manager

Another good season for the colts in a results sense although the season was very badly disrupted by the weather for most of the teams. This impacted on league positions where for example u15 won all of their games but still finished second because Merstham managed to complete more fixtures. The year commenced with 42 lads from the age of 8 through to 16 attending 12 weeks of winter nets at Trinity school. The boys were again lucky to be coached by Ryan Cummins a recently retired County player.

During the season we ran 6 teams in the East Surrey Colts League with the u12s playing in the NEC. We ran teams in age groups from U10 to U16 and we had over 70 active colt’s players.

We were pleased to have 2 of our colts in the Surrey County age group squads and 6 boys competing at district level. Even more importantly 4 boys graduated for the first time from colts to senior cricket. In total 14 current colts played senior cricket this year representing the club right up to the first xi.

In the leagues we had an excellent year. Overall 55 colt’s matches were played in a season affected by the weather. Best stats for the year go to the U14’s where we ran both A and B squads. The A’s won every game to win both the league and cup and to qualify for the 2013 Premier league.

Results were as follows,
U10 8th in league
U12 5th in league
U15 2nd in League and cup semi finalists
U14 League and Cup Winners
U15 2rd in League and cup semi finalists
U17 3rd in league and cup semi finalists

As ever behind the stats there are stories of what might have been. As a club we seek to run a small competitive squad in each age group, typically around 16, which gives everyone a chance to play and for younger players to play up the age groups.

A huge thank you must go to the team managers, parent helpers, our overseas player Abdul, who coached the boys so well throughout the summer and of course to Ian and Tommy for making sure we always had tracks to play on, Rob and Greg and the rest of the bar team and to the committee for their continued support

We concluded our season in the usual way with a most enjoyable presentation evening on 7th September with the chairman and many senior players in attendance to present the player of the year awards on a glorious evening with well over 100 people celebrating the season.

For 2013 we have again booked Trinity School for winter training and all the lads are excited about using the new outdoor nets for the first time come the spring.

We will be entering teams in most age groups again including 13, 14 and 15’s in the extremely competitive NEC leagues. The U15’s will also play in the prestigious Premier league which is a national competition. We will be looking to recruit more players this year especially at 9 and under and would appreciate all members directing potential new colts to myself, Jerry or one of the colt’s managers. If anyone would like to lend a hand with the colts in 2013 please let us know, your input will be greatly appreciated

Looking ahead to 2013 key issues for us include, securing coaching input from senior players and identifying a colts management team for a new influx of nine and unders and potentially a second u14 Team (any offers of help please contact Jerry or Bob) . Our 2012 season kicks off on 15 January with the commencement of colts winter nets at Trinity school on Thursday evenings and we are pleased to note that Dan and some of his first team squad will be down to lend a hand for the first few weeks.

In terms of further developing Sanderstead colts improving practice facilities is key and we are greatly encouraged that detailed planning for the development of new nets is now well advanced. It would also assist recruitment greatly if the club had its own website with photos of the ground, key stats and honours and we are pleased that the committee are making good progress in this area. This will allow us to attract new talent and better develop those already with us which will enable us to kick on to more success.

Overall a successful season for the colts and one on which we may build on for the future.
Bob Horner

Hon Treasurer

In delivering the accounts to the Club for the last time I am pleased to report that the financial year has mirrored the buoyancy of the second eleven. There have been some good aspects to the finances this year as well as not so good so let’s just reflect briefly on some of those. A great start was made by Keeno and Sue as they unlocked the sponsorship door and the Chairman nobly kept that door truly ajar especially when it led to a curry at the Panahar. Let’s hope that all the sponsors return next year because the first thing the sponsorship deals enabled us to do was to reformat the fixture card into a much classier publication. The new website was a less successful venture and the modern glossy site we hoped for failed to materialise on time. We did manage to get something off the ground but not until September and this partially served to give our sponsors the promised advertising exposure. A wet cricket week did not cost us huge amounts of money because Tommy returned a profit from the Summer Party that completely covered the cost of the marquee. Friday night bar takings were better than last year because Gregg and Rob did such a magnificent job staffing the bar. In a wet year the bar did tolerably well and in his first season Rob did a fine job.

The major issue on expenditure throughout the year was how we would cover the cost of the new net facility. Whilst we were debating, discussing and manoeuvring into position the rain continued to fall and the much talked about covers were suddenly on the agenda in a big way. This briefly deflected attention away from the nets! The extremely generous donation made by Ian and Jacqui Pettifor for the covers enabled all Saturday games to be played after the covers were delivered. I’ll let Jerry and others set the scene for the new nets that I am sure everyone knows have now been installed.

Throughout May, June and July the big conundrum was to how we could unlock funds to purchase the new net facility. Several carrots were tantalisingly dangled in front us ranging from a commercial deal from one of our suppliers to the gift horse of a £10,000 grant from the London Legacy Fund via the QEII Challenge. Our best efforts to be recipients of the latter funding required some extraordinary legal documents to be signed and these were outside the control of the Club’s Committee. Sue, Tommy (briefly) and myself worked long and hard in an effort to appease all parties but all to no avail.

When grant funding failed we entered into negotiations with CPFA and negotiated a loan to contribute to the cost of the nets but in the end we did not need to pursue this to drawdown because at the very last moment Keith Haynes entered the fray and formed a “Friends of Sanderstead Cricket 2012” group. This group of about 20 members have offered individual gift aid donations of £500 each and it is not too late to join this group! Thanks Keith for the effort and dedication in putting this together.

A shortened internet version of the accounts is available to download and a fuller statement will be issued at the meeting. Major expenditure items are playing equipment and ground work and these of course contain the major costs incurred in acquiring the new net surface, one of the roll on roll off net cages and the covers. I have not yet settled the bill for the nets (Jerry will explain why we are withholding the money) but a substantial accrual for the cost has been provided.

Moving to the balance sheet items and starting with the liabilities. Short term creditors stand at nearly £17k but include an accrual of £3k towards the long overdue external redecoration of the front elevation of the Pavilion. We anticipated this work being carried out in the autumn but this is now unlikely to occur before the spring. There may be an option that the new committee decide to adjust this provision. The remaining sums are due to the nets installer (accrued at £9,700), the Trust (£1,865) for Ground Rent – the bill has not yet been served on us although I have chased for this, £174 for rates that are paid by monthly direct debit, £260 to Southern Snax for a late bill received, £800 for machinery (mowers) servicing and repair, £55 for a repair to the garage door, £328 to Patrick for the TV and £100 for a charitable donation the Committee has elected to make. The balancing figure is £460 being the outstanding loan with CPFA.

In the assets section we have the Pavilion that has one more year of depreciation before the cost goes to zero and this is the only fixed asset currently on the books. The other current assets figure is made up by the HMRC Gift Aid tax reclaim I have submitted today for £3,757.90, delayed payments of £2,250 to us for the Friends of SCC 2012 Group and £380 of match fees.

I trust I am leaving the Treasurer’s post with the accounts in a healthy state and look forward to handing over the reins to the new committee tomorrow! With over 15,000 days service as a committee member I hear Time has been called and I will become a cricketing backbencher again for the first time since 1989. Good luck to all at SCC both on and off the field – this is a great Club and I am sorry I am not continuing as part of the infrastructure that will make the Club even greater.
Ian Witchell


Short Accounts 2012
