
Privacy policy
Seymour Villa F.C. Vets ("Seymour Villa F.C. Vets", "we", "our", "us") takes your privacy very seriously.
Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to see how Seymour Villa F.C. will treat the personal information that you provide to us either when using this website (the "Site") or in other circumstances when we collect data from you (including via email). We will take reasonable care to keep your information secure and to prevent any unauthorised access or use of it. We process all information in accordance with applicable UK data protection legislation.
By using our Site or submitting information to us through or in connection with our Site, you signify your consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you must not use our Site or submit information to us through or in connection with our Site.
We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and the change will take effect once the revised Privacy Policy is available on this Site. Therefore, please refer to this Privacy Policy each time you submit your personal information.
Your Information
We may ask you to provide information to us or collect data from you on different occasions, including at a number of points on the Site, such as when you:
(i) e-mail enquiries, contributions or your views to us;
(ii) enter competitions;
(iii) register to receive or download information, newsletters or other documentation; or
The information that you are asked to provide will vary depending on the reason for the collection. In some instances, for example, if you purchase goods or services from us, the provision of certain information will be mandatory.
When you visit the Site, we may also collect, process and use informing about you and your use of the Site (which may not personally identify you), including any forums you visit and how you arrived at our Site. Such information may be collected through "traffic data" and may entail the use of "cookies" or other tracking technologies, "IP Addresses" or other numeric codes used to identify your computer.
For more information on Cookies please click on the link to our Cookie Policy.
Collection of information by third parties
When you use our Site, other companies also collect certain information on you using anonymous identifiers, cookies and the other tracking technologies mentioned above. In this regard, we use Google Analytics and Wix to better understand how our customers navigate to and through our Site, how long customers spend visiting our content items and how often they return to visit our Site. Google Analytics also helps us to:
• track the effectiveness of the money we spend on our digital marketing campaigns through Google Display Network Impression Reporting;
• track the age range, gender, affinity categories (this includes lifestyle identifiers such as being a sports fans), in-market segments (such as product purchase interests) and other related categories through Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting; and
• reach people who have visited the Site through remarketing with Google Analytics. This may include Google and other third party vendors showing advertisements on sites across the Internet.
For more information on how cookies are used for analytics please click on the link to our Cookie Policy.
Googles privacy policy can be found here http//www.google.co.uk/policies/privacy/.
To opt out of Google's use of cookies visit Google's Ads Settings or the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.
You can delete cookies or configure your computer to reject them, although this may disable the Site’s ability to manage individual sessions.
Please note that if you choose to participate in any discussion forum on the Site you may disclose personal information about yourself to other participants. If you do so this is at your own risk.
How Seymour Villa F.C. uses your information
We will use your personal information:
(i) to respond to your enquiry;
(ii) to acknowledge any contribution that you may make;
(iii) to send information to you;
(iv) to fulfil any contract that we may enter into with you;
(v) for research purposes;
(vi) to send marketing information to you in accordance with the provisions set out below; or
(vii) for other reasonable purposes for which you have provided such information.
We would like to send you marketing information, by post, e-mail, or SMS. By providing your information you are agreeing to Seymour Villa F.C. contacting you in this manner to provide you with such marketing information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.
In addition, our subsidiary groups and selected third parties (including Partners (as shown on the Site) and other commercial partners) would like to send you marketing information, by post, e-mail, or SMS. We will only allow them to do this if you have indicated that you are happy to receive such information (either when you submit your details to us or at a later stage).
If you do not wish to receive any of the above information or be contacted by us in accordance with the above, please update your preferences online (where this facility is available) or alternatively write to the Data Protection Officer at the address below.
If you submit your views to us via our contact form we will circulate them internally for training and management purposes. We may also publish your views on this Site, any other website operated by us or our subsidiaries or in other media. If you do not want us to do this, please let us know when you submit your views.
We may aggregate the information you send to us with other data (so that you cannot be identified from that data) and use that aggregated data for administrative purposes and/or share it with other people.
Sharing information
We will share your information with our affiliates and third party service providers if this is necessary or reasonably required for any of the purposes above. Such third party service providers are not entitled to use your information for their own purposes. We may also share your information with third parties for marketing purposes (in accordance with the paragraph entitled "How Seymour Villa F.C. uses the information" above) if you have indicated that you are happy to receive such information. Some of these third parties may be located outside of the United Kingdom, including in countries where data protection laws might not exist or be of a lower standard than the EU.
We may also share your information with government, law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies when we consider the disclosure to be fair, reasonable and legal.
Protection of information
We are committed to protecting your privacy and we implement various security measures in relation to our processing and transfer of personal data. However, the nature of the Internet is such that the data may in some circumstances flow over networks without full security measures and could be accessible to unauthorised persons.
This Site may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of these sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave this Site and to read the privacy statements applicable on those sites. This privacy policy does not apply to information collected on third parties’ sites.
Your right to access the information
You have the right to access the information that Seymour Villa F.C. holds about you in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. In order to do this please make a written application to the Data Protection Officer, at the address provided below. Seymour Villa F.C. may require you to provide verification of your identity and to pay an administrative fee (which is currently £10) to provide a copy of the information that it holds. Please note that in certain circumstances Seymour Villa F.C. may withhold access to your information where it has the right to do so under current data protection legislation.
Updating your information
In the event that there is a change to your personal information for example your contact details, please let us know of this by updating your details online (where this facility is available) or writing to the Data Protection Officer, at the address provided below, so that we can keep your information up to date and accurate.
Contact us
If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy, wish to stop direct marketing by Seymour Villa F.C., its subsidiary groups or third parties or you wish to access or update your information please write to the Cyber Officer, Seymour Villa F.C. via thomas@proxa-consulting.com.
Data policy

Seymour Villa FC Vets (Club) ("we", "our", "us") take your privacy very seriously.
This Privacy Notice sets out how we use and look after the personal information we collect from you. We are the data controller, responsible for the processing of any personal data you give us. We take reasonable care to keep your information secure and to prevent any unauthorised access to or use of it.

What personal data we hold on you
Personal data means any information about an individual from which that individual can be identified.
We collect, use, store and transfer some personal data of our participants [and their parents or guardians], and other Club members.
You provide information about yourself when you register with the Club, and by filling in forms at an event or online, or by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise.
The information you give us may include your name, date of birth, address, e-mail address, phone number, gender, and the contact details of a third party in the case of emergency. We may also ask for relevant health information, which is classed as special category personal data, for the purposes of your health, wellbeing, welfare and safeguarding. Where we hold this data, it will be with the explicit consent of the participant or, if applicable, the participant’s parent or guardian.
Where we need to collect personal data to fulfil Club responsibilities and you do not provide that data, we may not be able honour or administer your membership.

We will only use personal data for any purpose for which it has been specifically provided.
The reason we need participants’ and members’ personal data is to be able to run the football club and arrange matches; to administer memberships and provide the membership services you are signing up to when you register with the club. Our lawful basis for processing your personal data is that we have a contractual obligation to you as a participant or member to provide the services you are registering for.
We have set out below, in a table format, a description of all the ways we plan to use your personal data, and which of the legal bases we rely on to do so. We have also identified what our legitimate interests are where appropriate.
Purpose/ Processing Activity Lawful Basis for processing under Article 6 of the GDPR.

  • processing membership forms and payments/ subs - Performance of a contract
  • organising matches - Performance of a contract
  • sending out match or Club information and updates - Performance of a contract
  • sharing data with coaches, managers or officials to run training sessions or enter events - Performance of a contract
  • sharing data with leagues we are in membership of, county associations and other competition providers for entry in events - Performance of a contract
  • sharing data with committee members to provide information about club activities, membership renewals or invitation to social events - The Club has a legitimate interest to maintain member and participant correspondence for club community purposes.
  • sharing data with third party service or facility providers - The Club has a legitimate interest to run the organisation efficiently and as it sees fit. Provision of some third-party services is for the benefit of the Club, participants and its members.
  • sharing anonymised data with a funding partner as condition of grant funding e.g. Local Authority - The Club has a legitimate interest to run the organisation efficiently and as it sees fit. Application for funding is a purpose that benefits the Club, participants and its members.
  • publishing match and league results - Consent. We will only publish your personal data in a public domain, including images and names, if you have given your consent for us to do so.
  • sending out marketing information such as newsletters and information about promotions and offers from sponsors - Consent. We will only send you direct marketing if you are an existing member, participant or other associated individual and you have not previously objected to this marketing, or, you have actively provided your consent.
  • To ensure we understand possible health risks - Consent. We will only process details on your medical history with your consent.

Who we share your personal data with?
When you become a member of the Club, your information, if you are a coach or volunteer will be or if you are another participant may be (depending upon which league(s) your team plays in) entered onto the Whole Game System database, which is administered by the FA. We also pass your information to the County FA and to leagues to register participants and the team for matches, tournaments or other events, and for affiliation purposes.
We may share your personal data with selected third parties, suppliers and subcontractors such as referees, coaches or match organisers. Third-party service providers will only process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.
We may disclose your personal information to third parties to comply with a legal obligation; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our participants, members or affiliates, or others.
The Club’s data processing may require your personal data to be transferred outside of the UK. Where the Club does transfer your personal data overseas it is with the sufficient appropriate safeguards in place to ensure the security of that personal data.
Protection of your personal data
We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.

How long we hold your personal data
We keep personal data on our participants and members while they continue to be a participant or member or are otherwise actively involved with the Club. We will delete this data 1 month after a participant or member has left or otherwise ended their membership or affiliation, or sooner if specifically requested and we are able to do so. We may need to retain some personal data for longer for legal or regulatory purposes. The personal data that is stored on Whole Game System is subject to their privacy policy, so we advise you review that policy together with this notice. If you would like your personal data to be deleted from Whole Game System, then please contact them.
Your rights regarding your personal data
As a data subject you may have the right at any time to request access to, rectification or erasure of your personal data; to restrict or object to certain kinds of processing of your personal data, including direct marketing; to the portability of your personal data and to complain to the UK’s data protection supervisory authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office about the processing of your personal data.
As a data subject you are not obliged to share your personal data with the Club. If you choose not to share your personal data with us we may not be able to register or administer your membership.
We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time and will inform you to any changes in how we handle your personal data.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, then please contact Thomas Proxa.

VEO Privacy Policy
The club now has full use of our new Veo camera technology sponsored by Proxa Consulting.
We will therefore now post action from most forthcoming games throughout the season.
See detailed VEO privacy policy at https://www.veo.co/en-gb/privacy and VEO security at https://veo.co.uk/security

Contact Details
New Club Address: Girls Academy Bromley, Upper Field, Lennard Road, BR3 1QS
Chairman Details and Mailing Address: Thomas Proxa, 25 Cambridge Road, London, SE20 7XJ
Mobile: 07831 591438 Email: thomas@proxa-consulting.com

Terms and Conditions

Seymour Villa FC Vets (SVFC) – the Club
The objective of the Club is to foster and provide facilities for its members to play organised football matches at recognised venues throughout the playing season.
These rules (the Club Rules) form a binding agreement between each member and the Club.
The Club shall have the status of an Affiliated Member Club of The F.A. by virtue of its affiliation to/membership of The Kent F.A. and an FA Accreditation.
The Club will also abide by The F.A.’s Codes of Conduct and their Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policies.
Home games are played at Harris Girls Academy Bromley, Upper Field, Lennard Road, BR3 1QS.
Club Membership
The members shall be those persons listed in the register of members.
In our club, we take pride in fostering a dynamic and inclusive environment, embracing the richness of talent among our players. As part of this philosophy, we maintain two competitive teams. It's important to note that players are not assigned to a specific team for the season. Instead, team allocations are made on match days, decided by the club team manager. This approach ensures that every player has the opportunity to showcase their skills across different levels of competition, promotes versatility, and reinforces our ethos of teamwork and adaptability.
Any person who wishes to remain or become a member, needs to sign the Handbook and pay the annual fee. Election to membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Club Management Committee.
In the event of a member’s resignation or expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the Membership Register.
Annual Membership Fee
The Clubs Management Committee sets the annual membership fee. Any fee shall be payable on a successful application for membership and thereafter renewed annually by each member. Fees shall not be repayable unless agreed by the committee. Members joining post January 1st will pay a reduced membership fee.
The club always endeavours to keep the annual fee at a minimum and will not increase the fee unless there is a valid reason to keep the club running efficiently.
The Club Management Committee shall have the authority to levy further subscriptions from the members as are reasonably necessary to fulfil the objectives of the Club.
1. The SVFC Membership is valid 1 Sept 2024 to 31 Aug 2025
2. Membership fees are due annually; you will be informed when fees are due to be renewed. It is requested that any fees due are paid promptly. Failure to do so may result in not being eligible to participate in Club or league fixtures.
3. Membership fees are non-refundable.
4. The membership fees cover the following:
• All league and cup games - expected to be 18 to 22 games (subject to number of teams in division)
• All friendly games - expected to be minimum of 8 games
• All tournaments (nationally)
• All in season training, which is expected to be held weekly
• Referee and pitch fees
• Equipment (match balls, bibs, Pitch marking paint, petrol etc.)
• FA registration
• Insurances
• Club Events (subsidies)
5. Only full members will have access to the comprehensive benefits of VEO camera analysis and automatically tracked statistics. PAYG members, unfortunately, will not be able to access their data.
6. Full membership status does not automatically guarantee playtime in individual matches, as the manager holds the discretion to select players and determine their playtime on the day.
7. All players are required to pay the fines imposed by the league or the Football Association (FA), such as those for receiving a yellow card (£12.50) or a red card (up to £30).
Please note that full-paying members will always be given priority in team selection on match day, at the managers discretion, if the maximum number of players is reached.
Only full members will have access to the comprehensive benefits of
1. VEO camera analysis. PAYG members, unfortunately, will not be able to access their data.
2. free training
3. drinks subsidies at Christmas and End of year party

Switching to Full Membership
All PAYGO Members who have already paid a registration fee in the past and want to register as Full Members for the new season, will only pay the £250 Membership Fee.

For any full member who suffers an injury or illness during the season and cannot play for a sustained period as a consequence, they will be refunded on a pro-rata basis (up to maximum 50%) of their subscription based on the number of league games they miss due to injury or illness. Note, there are no refunds for deciding not to be able to play for other reasons, such as family birthdays or other commitments. (Discretion of the Club Committee)
Resignations and Expulsion
A member shall cease to be a member of the Club if, and from the date on which, he/she gives notice to the Club Management Committee of their resignation. A member whose annual membership fee or further subscription is more than 2 months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned.
The Club Management Committee shall have the power to expel a member or non-member when, following disciplinary procedures, or in their opinion, it would not be in the interests of the Club for them to remain a member or non-member.
A member who resigns or a non-member or member is expelled shall not be entitled to claim any, or a share of any, of the Club Property.
Club Committee
There is a Club Management Committee. Meetings are held 4 times per year and consists of Club officials and representatives of Managers.
The Club Management Committee is responsible for the management of all the affairs of the Club, team, their kit, equipment, and pitch usage within the club, administration of all the social affairs of the Club and its fund-raising activities

Annual General Meetings and General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in each year to:
▪ receive a report of the activities of the Club over the previous year
▪ receive a report of the Club’s finances over the previous year
▪ elect the members of the Club Management Committee
▪ consider any other business.
The Committee may call a Special General Meeting (SGM) at any time if the nature and urgency of the agenda deems it necessary to do so. Business at an SGM may be any business that may be transacted at an AGM.
The officers of the club will be:
▪ Chairman: Thomas Proxa
▪ Vice Chairman: Nino Starace
▪ Club Secretary: Thomas Proxa
▪ Vice Chairman & Club Teams Manager: David Mutter
▪ Treasurer: Duane Tate
▪ Communications Secretary: Shane Freeman-Roach
▪ Captains: Marc Robinson / tbc
▪ Vice-Captains: tbc
Club Finances
A bank account has been opened and maintained in the name of the Club (the Club Account). Designated account signatories are the Club Secretary and the Club Treasurer.
No sum shall be drawn from the Club Account except by two of the two designated signatories agreeing on the amount. All monies payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer and deposited in the Club Account.
The Club Management Committee has the power to authorise the payment of remuneration and expenses to any member of the Club and to any other person or persons for services rendered to the Club.
The Club prepares an annual Financial Statement. A third party as determined by the Clubs Management Committee audits the accounts and the Clubs finances are reviewed monthly at the appropriate meetings.
The Club has responsibility for paying the following:
▪ Referees’ fees and any other expenses imposed by the league.
▪ Fines for administrative errors but stresses every effort is taken to keep these to an absolute minimum. (The Club reserves the right to request the manager to pay for repeated fines caused by constant administrative negligence).
▪ The Club will not reimburse fines for ungentlemanly conduct or for foul and abusive language and in any such cases the club’s disciplinary procedures will be invoked.
▪ The provision of Club trophies for end of season presentations.
▪ The provision of training facilities, equipment, grounds, football kit, medical kit, footballs, insurance etc.
▪ Suitable Management training, coaching courses, professional coaching fees
This does not infer that the Club shall pay for all teams to have all equipment and will attend all courses they may wish at their disposal all of the time. It does infer that as a club we purchase equipment and courses that can be used in an equitable and efficient manner for the benefit of all members.
All managers are encouraged to seek sponsorship at all times or until such time as the Club has acquired a Club sponsor for all teams.
All football strips and equipment supplied by the Club or acquired by the team (through fund raising or sponsorship) is deemed the property of the club and is insured against loss or accidental damage.
The Club does not discourage individual teams from raising money for specific items of equipment to benefit their own team where sponsorship is not available.
In the event of a team discontinuing, all strips, equipment and funds held by that team shall revert to the Club. Failure to return said items may result in the Club taking appropriate action to recover them.

Compliance to League Rules
Managers and Players must avail themselves of the rules of the FA, Southern Vets Football League (SVFL) and Kent FA and act in accordance with them at all times.
Players must be registered players to the SVFL. Non-registered players cannot play in league matches but may participate in friendly matches. Player’s registration cards (WholeGameSystem Players Print out) must be exchanged with the opposition manager prior to a game commencing.
Any players leaving the Club to join another club or simply wishing to no longer play for the Club must be deregistered to the SVFL before they can be registered to any new club.
All correspondence between Club and FA or SVFL must be counter signed by the Club Secretary; there can be no direct correspondence form Club managers, coaches or players direct to the Leagues.
Appropriate forms can be obtained via the team Manager or the Club Secretary
Codes of Conduct
Code of Conduct for SVFC

SVFC is part of the national game. This code applies to all those involved in football under the auspices of The Football Association. Community – SVFC at all levels is a vital part of a community. SVFC will take into account community feelings when making decisions.
▪ Equality – SVFC is opposed to discrimination of any form and will promote measures to prevent it, in whatever form, from being expressed.
▪ Participants – SVFC recognises the sense of ownership felt by those who participate at all levels of the game. This includes those who play, those who coach or help in any way, and those who officiate, as well as administrators and supporters. SVFC Football is committed to appropriate consultation.
▪ Young People – SVFC acknowledges the extent of its influence over young people and pledges to set a positive example.
▪ Propriety – SVFC acknowledges that public confidence demands the highest standards of financial and administrative behaviour within the game and will not tolerate corruption or improper practices.
▪ Trust and Respect – SVFC will uphold a relationship of trust and respect between all involved in the game, whether they are individuals, clubs or other organisations.
▪ Violence – SVFC rejects the use of violence of any nature by anyone involved in the game.
▪ Fairness – SVFC committed to fairness in its dealings with all involved in the game.
▪ Integrity and Fair Play – SVFC is committed to the principle of playing to win consistent with Fair Play.
Code of Conduct for SVFC Coaches
Coaches are key to the establishment of ethics in SVFC. Their concept of ethics and their attitude directly affects the behaviour of players under their supervision. Coaches are, therefore, expected to pay particular care to the moral aspect of their conduct.
Coaches have to be aware that almost all of their everyday decisions and choices of actions, as well as strategic targets, have ethical implications.
It is natural that winning constitutes a basic concern for Coaches. This code is not intended to conflict with that. However, the code calls for Coaches to disassociate themselves from a “win-at-all-costs” attitude.
Set out below is The F.A. Coaches Association Code of Conduct (which reflects the standards expressed by the National Coaching Foundation and the National Association of Sports Coaches) that forms the benchmark for all involved in coaching and by which we at SVFC support and endorse:
▪ Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of each and every person and treat each equally within the context of the sport.
▪ Coaches must place the well-being and safety of each player above all other considerations, including the development of performance.
▪ Coaches must adhere to all guidelines laid down by governing bodies.
▪ Coaches must develop an appropriate working relationship with each player based on mutual trust and respect.
▪ Coaches must not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
▪ Coaches must encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
▪ Coaches must ensure that the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of players.
▪ Coaches should, at the outset, clarify with the players (and, where appropriate, parent) exactly what is expected of them and also what they are entitled to expect from their coach.
▪ Coaches must cooperate fully with other specialists (e.g. other Coaches, officials, sports scientists, doctors, physiotherapists) in the best interests of the player.
▪ Coaches must always promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play) and never condone violations of the Laws of the Game, behaviour contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game or relevant rules and regulations or the use of prohibited substances or techniques.
▪ Coaches must consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
▪ Coaches must not use or tolerate inappropriate language.
Code of Conduct for SVFC Players
Players are the most important people in the sport. Playing for the team, and for the team to win, is the most fundamental part of the game. But not winning at any cost – Fair Play and respect for all others in the game is fundamentally important.
This Code focuses on players involved in top-class football. Nevertheless, the key concepts in the Code are valid for players at all levels within SVFC.
Obligations towards the game, a player should:
▪ Make every effort to develop their own sporting abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina.
▪ Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a game, even if his team is in a position where the desired result has already been achieved.
▪ Set a positive example for others to other players and supporters.
▪ Avoid all forms of gamesmanship and time wasting.
▪ Always have regard for the best interests of the game, including publicly expressing an opinion on the game and any particular aspect of it, including others involved in the game.
▪ Not use inappropriate language.
▪ Pay all membership fees in time. The manager reserved the right to exclude any players from any games, if fees are not paid in time.
Obligations towards one’s own team, a player should:
▪ Make every effort consistent with Fair Play and the Laws of the Game to help his own team win.
▪ Resist any influence that might, or might be seen to, bring into question his commitment to the team winning.
▪ Respect for the Laws of the Game and competition rules, a player should:
▪ Know and abide by the Laws, rules and spirit of the game, and the competition rules.
▪ Accept success and failure, victory and defeat, equally.
▪ Resist any temptation to take banned substances or use banned techniques.
Respect towards Opponents, a player should:
▪ Treat opponents with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result of the game.
▪ Safeguard the physical fitness of opponents, avoid violence and rough play, and help injured opponents.
Respect towards the Match Officials, a player should:
▪ Accept the decision of the Match Official without protest.
▪ Avoid words or actions that may mislead a Match Official.
▪ Show due respect towards Match Officials.
▪ Respect towards Team Officials, a player should
▪ Abide by the instructions of their Coach and Team Officials, provided they do not contradict the spirit of this Code.
▪ Show due respect towards the Team Officials of the opposition.
Obligations towards the Supporters, a player should:
▪ Show due respect to the interests of supporters.
▪ Code of Conduct for SVFC Team Officials
▪ This Code applies to all SVFC team / club officials (although some items may not apply to all officials).
Obligations towards the Game, the team official should:
▪ Set a positive example for others, players and supporters.
▪ Promote and develop his own team having regard to the interest of the Players, Supporters and reputation of the national game.
▪ Share knowledge and experience when invited to do so, taking into account the interest of the body that has requested this rather than personal interests.
▪ Avoid all forms of gamesmanship.
▪ Show due respect to Match Officials and others involved in the game.
▪ Always have regard for the best interests of the game, including where publicly expressing an opinion of the game and any particular aspect of it, including others involved in the game.
▪ Not use or tolerate inappropriate language.
Obligations towards the Team, the team official should:
▪ Make every effort to develop the sporting, technical and tactical levels of the club/team, and to obtain the best results for the team, using all permitted means.
▪ Give priority to the interests of the team over individual interests.
▪ Resist all illegal or unsporting influences, including banned substances and techniques.
▪ Promote ethical principles.
▪ Show due respect for the interests of the players, coaches and officials, their own club/team and others.
Obligations towards the Supporters, the team official should:
▪ Show due respect for the interests of supporters.
▪ Respect towards the Match Officials, a team official should
▪ Accept the decisions of the Match Official without protest.
▪ Avoid words or actions that may mislead a Match Official.
▪ Show due respect towards Match Officials.
SVFC Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunities Policies
SVFC Anti-Discrimination Policy

SVFC is responsible for setting standards and values to apply throughout the club at every level. Football belongs to and should be enjoyed by everyone, equally.
Equality of opportunity at SVFC means that in all our activities we will not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favourably, on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.
SVFC will not tolerate sexual or racially based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal, and will work to ensure that such behaviour is met with appropriate action in whatever context it occurs.
SVFC Equal Opportunities Policy
SVFC is committed to a policy of equal treatment of all members and requires all members of whatever level or authority, to abide and adhere to this general principle and the requirements of the Codes of Practice
issued by the Equal Opportunities Commission and Commission for Racial Equality.
Any member found guilty of discrimination will be instructed to desist forthwith. Since discrimination in its many forms is against the Football Club’s policy, any members offending will be dealt with under the disciplinary procedures.
The Football Club commits itself to the disabled person whenever possible and will treat such members, in aspects of their recruitment and membership, in exactly the same manner as other members. The difficulties of their disablement permitting assistance will be given,
wherever possible to ensure that disabled members are helped in gaining access. Appropriate training will be made to such members who request it.
Complaints & Disciplinary Action
The principal reasons for this procedure are not only to ensure that the standards established by The Clubs rules and Codes of Conduct are adhered to, but also to provide fair methods of dealing with alleged failure to observe such rules.
All cases of complaints and disciplinary action, in accordance with this procedure will be recorded and placed in The Clubs records.
The disciplinary procedure is concerned with the following: –
▪ Misdemeanour
▪ Misconduct
▪ Gross Misconduct
▪ Incompetence
▪ Unsuitability
In normal circumstances the procedure will be followed in full however The Club reserves the right to omit any stages dependent upon the seriousness of the alleged offence(s).
The club has five levels at which a disciplinary action may be invoked, they are: –
▪ Verbal Warning (for minor offences).
▪ First Written Warning (repeated minor offences)
▪ Final Written Warning (should the verbal and/or the first written warnings have no effect)
▪ Membership removal (the Club Member or Official will be informed and will receive a written notice of this decision, together with the reason for removal)
If the removal of membership involves either a Club Official or Player the Club will inform the SVFC Registration Secretary and League Secretary in order to deregister the person and to comply with MCYFL requirements.
There will be occasions in accordance with FA and SVFC disciplinary procedures where the Club will have fines imposed upon it for inappropriate actions of its members, Officials, Parents, or Spectators.
The Club retains the right to pass on such fines to the offending person(s) where it deems necessary in accordance with the Clubs constitution and codes of conduct. Notice in writing will be given to the offending person(s) of the fine imposed.
In the event that any member feels that he or she has suffered discrimination in any way, or that the Club Policies, Rules or Code of Conduct have been broken. They should report the matter to the Club Secretary or another member of the Committee. An Incident Report form (IR1) is available from the Clubs Secretary, Team Manager, or any Committee Member.
Your report should include:
▪ Details of what, when, and where the occurrence took place.
▪ Any witness statement and names.
▪ Names of any others who have been treated in a similar way.
▪ Details of any former complaints made about the incident, date, when and to whom made.
▪ A preference for a solution to the incident.
The Club’s Management Committee will sit for any hearings that are requested. Where necessary they may seek advice and guidance from the Kent FA or SVFL.
There is no appeal procedure and the Club Management Committee decision will be final.
At any stage the Club may, by written notice, suspend a Member or Club Official for a specific period during which time any investigation may be undertaken.
Where a Club member or Official is suspended, they will not be entitled to access either The Clubs premises or that of its clients, use any Club equipment or property, participate in matches or training without prior consent of The Club.
Managers – General
1. All managers shall be appointed at the discretion of the Club Management Committee and be bound by the club’s constitution.
2. Managers should conduct themselves at all times in a responsible manner that reflects highly of the Club image.
3. In line with requirements of the FA, managers and coaches must undertake at least a Junior Team Managers Course (incorporating an emergency First Aid Course) within their first twelve months with the Club.
4. Any Issue of requests made at the committee meetings should be brought to the attention of the Club Committee via the managers’ representatives on that committee.
5. Managers should avail themselves of the rules of the F.A. and the SVFL and act in accordance with them at all times.
6. All football strips supplied by the Club or acquired by a team (through fund raising or sponsorship) shall be deemed the property of the club and be insured against loss or accidental damage.
7. All equipment acquired by the club for use by its members should be stored in and returned after use to the Club House.
8. Managers should appoint where practicable an assistant and should have available at all times a qualified first aider in line with league requirements.
9. All fixtures should be confirmed together with ground allocations and referees through the fixture’s secretary. This is to avoid confusion especially in the event of rearranged games and cup-ties.
10. Managers should be responsible for playing their part in the general running of the Club. They should support the Clubs fund raising activities and ensure that communications from the Club are distributed to members in an orderly and timely fashion.
11. Managers should only play club members in any competitive game and club membership will only be granted after the club membership and any other league fees have been paid.
12. Managers are requested to ensure that their respective web site data is maintained and up to date, with match reports being submitted in a timely manner.
13. If an incident takes place at a game, training session or during any Club activity an Incident Report must be completed and submitted to the Club Secretary.
Managers – Financial
1. Managers shall have the authority to spend up to a total of £25 of clubs’ funds during the season (on incidentals) without prior authority from the Club Management Committee. Valid expenditure backed-up by appropriate receipts will be refunded by the Club. Expenditure in excess of this figure must be approved prior to any expense being incurred.
2. The Club shall be responsible for the payment of Referees fees and any other expenses imposed by the league.
3. The Club shall pay club fines for administrative errors but stress that these should be kept to an absolute minimum. The Club reserves the right to request the manager to pay for repeated fines caused by constant administrative negligence.
4. The Manager shall be responsible for deciding whether fines imposed on players are to be reimbursed by the Club. It is unlikely that the Club will reimburse fines for ungentlemanly conduct or for foul and abusive language.
5. Managers are responsible for maintaining a player attendance list for training purposes; this should include non-member attendances, in particular, when new players are being considered for new season selection prior to becoming full members.
6. Managers are responsible for completion of match report forms, paying referees fees, and informing the SVFL of results within agreed timescales set by the SVFL.
7. The Club shall provide trophies for end of season presentations. Teams may buy further trophies if desired, but consideration should be given to other teams with whom joint presentations are being held.
8. As a general rule the Club shall be responsible for providing all facilities required in order for the members to enjoy their football. This shall include the provision of training facilities, equipment, grounds, football kit, medical kit, footballs, insurance etc. This does not infer that the Club shall pay for the team to have all equipment they may wish at their disposal all of the time. It does infer that as a club we purchase equipment that can be used in an equitable and efficient manner for the benefit of all members. Much of the equipment and kits in the past have been sponsored and this option should always be sought first in preference to using the club's funds to purchase new equipment. All managers are encouraged to seek sponsorship at all times or until such time as the Club has acquired a Club sponsor for all teams.
9. Training fees are not a club requirement; however, Managers may use this option to raise funds for the team. Managers must inform the Committee of the purpose of such fund raising as stated in item 7 above.
10. In the event of a team discontinuing, all strips, equipment and funds held by that team shall revert to the Club. Funds shall be shared equally by all club members.
1. Players should conduct themselves on and off the pitch at all times in a responsible manner that reflects highly of the Club image, and Player’s code of conduct.
2. Players should abide by the rules of Club and the SVFL and act in accordance with them at all times.
3. All football strips supplied by the Club or acquired by a team (through fund raising or sponsorship) shall be deemed the property of the club. Training Tops, socks and any additional kit paid for separately, remains the property of the player.
4. If for any reason a player leaves the club, all kit (except see point 4) and club property must be returned to the Club Secretary directly or to the team manager.
5. Players must make every effort to attend training sessions during the week and to arrive at matches in a timely manner as instructed by their Managers.
6. Players may not participate in League matches unless they have been registered to the SVFC and have paid their fees. Exceptions apply for non-members, but same rules apply with regards to registration.
7. Players must ensure their footwear and shin-pads are suitable for the matches being played, loose, ill-fitting or inappropriate footwear and/or shin-pads may result in the player being substituted for the game or until such time as appropriate replacements are provided. The Club does not provide funding for footwear or shin-pads.
8. The Club will try to facilitate annual award presentations for the teams but is subject to funding and timing. Your team manager will announce arrangements nearer to the presentation date.
9. The club encourages tours and tournament participation, especially during the close season. Your team managers will advise you of dates and details.
1. Relatives and friends when attending matches are requested to conduct themselves in a responsible manner that reflects highly of the Club image, rules and codes of conduct.
2. If the Club is fined due to inappropriate behaviour the Club will expect such fines to be paid by the relative or friend. Continual or severe offences may result in membership being withdrawn for players.
3. Please ensure you wear footwear and shin-pads suitable for the matches being played.
4. It is Club policy that all our managers and coaches are trained to a Junior league management skills level in accordance with the Football Association and that each team has a trained emergency first-aider.
5. If you wish to assist the Club in any capacity, please approach the team Manager who will be pleased to assist with your enquiry.
The Club does have an active website https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/seymourvillafcvets for detailed information for the season.
Where possible the Club will give you sufficient notice of any of the following:
▪ Membership fees or additional funding requirements
▪ Annual general meeting
▪ Fixtures, dates and locations (including maps)
▪ Tours and tournaments
You may at any time raise any informal concerns or issues about the Club via the team manager. If you wish to raise a formal concern or issue about the Club, please do so in writing to the Club Secretary.
If you have any comments on the contents of this handbook or on the Club procedures, please pass them to the Club Secretary or to any member of the Management Committee.