Mini & Juniors Information 8 of 13

8. Volunteering

Jobs & Volunteeting

Who allocates volunteer duty at the club? What are the expectations for this?
Anyone can put themselves forward for one of the roles. Changes to key roles usually takes place at the ‘Junior/Mini Mtg’ held at the end of the season ideally prior to the Club AGM.

It depends upon what the volunteer would like to do and what commitment they have as the vast majority of volunteers within the J/M section are linked to their children and want to stay involved with them. Giles Alton is technically the Volunteer Co-ordinator at the club. Initially though advice should be sought from the Junior/Mini Coordinators to see what they need although there is a prerequirement for DBS clearance before any such duties are undertaken. Job Roles & Responsibilities have been written and reviewed and are on the website.

Who are the key contacts at the club and what are their responsibilities?

See above for Exec Committee and the website for Roles/Responsibilities


What are the minimum coaching/safeguarding qualifications expected for each age group?

All “Coaching staff” must be DBS cleared and should have completed Safeguarding training. A Coaching Qualification is not required but we should have a certain amount across the club

What funding is available to support this?

The club will support applications for funding from Club Members, which will be administered as a reduction in Club Membership fees over a 2yr period. Please contact the Club or Mini/Jnr Chair for
more information.

Do coaches book their own courses or does the club liaise to get bulk booking?

Where possible the club will arrange ‘bulk coaching’

How do I become a coach?

The Club is compiling a policy on this as it is a position within the club and Coaches need an understanding of what is expected, selection policy, handover of team, interchange of coaches between age groups etc.
Anyone can become a coach. It is a good idea to check the needs of a particular age group with the existing coaches (if there isn’t a need in that age group, check age groups above and below).

What coaching qualification do I need?

Officially, you don’t need any qualifications to coach and as long as the club has given its permission, you will be covered by the clubs’ insurance. According to the clubs “Seal of Approval” we need to have at least one qualified coach at each age group (and at each training session).

There should also be at least one person, who has had “Safeguard Training” and have a valid DBS (was CRB) at each session.

Qualifications:- Ages 6 - 8 Tag Rugby Course - no prerequisite
Ages 6 - 12 Level 1 – and Rugby Ready Course
Ages 13 – upwards Level 2 - Level 1 and Scrum Factory

Link to access courses:- http://www.englandrugby.com/my-rugby/courses/search/#/results

NB: The club would be very keen to hear from anyone who would be interested in becoming a Referee.