Charity Match
Charity Match
Raising money for Cancer Research for all those who have lost the battle, or continue to fight!
23 Aug 2022
  -  Ricky Curzon
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Club Sponsors
Rugby Gear supplier - LOVELL RUGBY
Club Kit Supplier - SuperSport
Club Sponsor - Abimara Developments
Club Printers - Dragon printing
Funding Agent - Front Row Union
Local Media Partner - The Comet
1 XV Shirt Sponsor - Trustatrader
Community funding agent - Stevenage Community Trust
Relocation partner - Homes & Communities Agency
Trust Fund - StrongOak Sports Trust
Sponsor of Junior Rugby - MBDA
Videos & PhotosSee all
Stevenage v Hertford 4’s
11 Apr 2022
10.04.22 - Heathfield  & Waldron RUFC
11 Apr 2022
20.02.2022 Finchley RUFC
25 Feb 2022
20.2.22 Finchley RUFC
25 Feb 2022
Final Training day
5 Nov 2020
Radio Interview with SG1
25 Nov 2019
Judo Fit
18 Sep 2019
Judo Fit