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Data policy


Personal data, also known as personal information, includes name, address and postcode, date of birth and other information which can identify an individual such as phone and e-mail contact details. The club holds personal data on individuals and confirms that:-
• We use personal information purely for the purpose of operating the club’s football activities and to comply with the requirements of the various football authorities with whom we deal [ eg SYFA, SYFA, local leagues, relevant courses and club membership]
• Selected club officials have access to some of this information [ eg Club Secretary, Team Secretaries,, First Aiders, Protection Officers] relevant to the conduct of their football responsibilities. All are bound by the club’s policy that that this information is to be used for no other purpose than for these roles and is to be treated with confidentiality.
• We confirm that all officials and members will be given instructions on how to handle personal information provided to them
• We will endeavour to ensure that personal information is secure, accurate, up to date, viewed only by those who really need it, limited to what is needed, only kept for a s long as is required for club purposes, destroyed/deleted after a period of appropriate time or if requested by the individual [as long as not affecting that person’s status in the club], easily amended if incorrect, is available to be viewed by the owner, and not shared with third parties.
• We do not sell personal data to third parties or provide such information to parties who may wish to contact you with offers, rewards or information about products or services.
• We respect your privacy and work hard to meet regulatory requirements and will regularly review our privacy policy. We will ask you about your preferences and will inform you when there are important changes which may affect your data and what options you may have.
• We will contact you based on your contact preferences and will ask you to confirm you have given your permission for your personal data to be made available to others if other than necessary football matters
• Communication with the club on any aspect of Data Protection should be made with the Club Secretary – contact details are on the club’s website
• Information on The Data Protection Policy will be shown on the club’s website or, if no longer available, on an appropriate accessible communication process