Safety Health Wellbeing 9 of 12

9. Emergency Action Plan

Twickenham Rugby Football Club

Emergency Action Plan

This plan describes the action to be taken in the event of an emergency – it is important that all coaches and management have read and understand these procedures. In the event that you need to call the Emergency Services, use the nearest available telephone. There will be no charge.

*** There are two phones, one located behind the bar, the other in the kitchen ***

Dial 999 and tell the authorities that you are calling from: Twickenham Rugby Football Club, Parkfields, South Road, Hampton, Middlesex TW12 3PE

Loss / disappearance of a child

In the event of loss/disappearance of a player during the coaching session and either a home or away game the following action should occur:
• The Head Coach should immediately stop all training and call all coaches together.
• A role call of all children should be taken, ensuring that no other children are missing.
• All children are to be kept on the middle of the rugby pitches by 3 adults (a minimum of 1 of these 3 individuals must be a qualified coach).
• All other adults on site (whether coaches or parents) to search the grounds and roadside for the child – coordinated by the Head Coach.
• If this search proves unsuccessful – and after no more than 10 minutes since the child has been discovered to be missing – the Emergency Services should be notified.

Injury to a player – or serious illness

In the event of a serious injury to a player, the following action should occur:
• Ensure that the player is breathing and the air channel is clear. Take remedial first aid action as appropriate.
• If the injury is not related to the neck or spine, then place the player in the ‘recovery’ position.
• If the injury does relate to the neck or spine then the head of the player should be supported in its existing position, taking care to ensure that the airway does not become blocked.
• Suitable medical help should then be summoned.
• If the injury is a fracture or a cut, then appropriate first aid can be given while awaiting the medical services.
• On no account should the injured player be given any type of food, liquid or medication.

Disorderly behaviour

In the event that the players or their parents are behaving in a disorderly manner:
• Ask them, in a calm, friendly voice, if they would change their behaviour, as their actions are unfair to other players and parents.
• In the event that the player or parent do not improve their behaviour, remind them that continued contravention of the club rules would lead to the coaching session being terminated and may jeopardise their future membership of the club.
• In the unlikely event that the player or parent continues to transgress: tell the disorderly individuals that they are to leave the training area immediately.
• If they fail to do so, terminate the entire coaching session immediately.
• The Police can be called to offer assistance if required.
All other coaches and committee members must be informed of the problem that has occurred and the name of the player or parent involved ensuring that repetition of the problem is not possible.


Emergency Action Plan
