Code of Conduct 2 of 4

2. Code of Conduct 2

Dress code: On match days all players representing the 1st team will be expected to wear a club shirt and tie. The fine for non-compliance will be per item missing and money will go into a pot to contribute something towards the club at the end of the season.
Punctuality: If you're going to be late on a match day you need to contact Simon Farmer 1st XV, Phil Spearey Wyverns XV asap. All their numbers are on the website so there are no excuses for not having them. Things are always going to happen that mean people are delayed, just let someone know and in plenty of time.
Attendance for training: This has improved slightly in the last couple of weeks but needs to continue to improve so we can run through the moves etc and improve our game. Every week we are asked to respond with our availability for the following weekend in a text, so the simplest thing to do is to also put your training availability in your text.