Player Registration / Affiliation ( England Rugby RFU GMS ) 3 of 6

3. Renewing Players When You Know Your GMS Log In Details

Log in to GMS using your credentials here:
Ashfield Rugby GMS

Once you have logged into GMS, on your Personal Profile under the Green Dashboard Notifications, you simply click on the Renew Player Affiliation link against the child’s name to complete.

Or you can click on your child’s profile under Family and Friends and then click on the link for Renew Player Affiliation.

WARNING: DO NOT CLICK on any other affiliation links – as you personally do not need to affiliate to the club unless you wish to become a player.

Having clicked renew affiliation, you will be presented with the Player Affiliation Form which will be mostly pre-populated as this is a renewal. Simply check all the details are still correct, fill out any missing details, tick the relevant consents/waivers and click SAVE. Pay particular attention to the medical details section as this must be at least completed with “none” to proceed.

You can edit or fill in any incorrect details by clicking on the pencil, or … icons and + to add

You will then receive an automated email confirming completion of Renewal of the Age Grade Affiliation, and this will now show as Affiliated under the club on the child's profile under My Organisations, and this Player Affiliation is now complete. The club may need to confirm your affiliation.