Safeguarding 6 of 7

6. Reporting an Incident

Reporting an Incident

Safeguarding children and young adults concerns all of us. We all have a responsibility to respond to any concerns that have been disclosed to us as individuals.

The RFU have defined harm as ‘an action or behaviour which has a detrimental effect on a child or vulnerable adult’s physical or emotional health or wellbeing. Harm is often referred to as neglect, abuse or bullying.’

The advice from the RFU on what to do if either a child or a vulnerable adult discloses information to is as follows:

• Stay calm
• Reassure them that they are not to blame
• Avoid making promises of confidentiality or outcome
• Keep questions to a minimum
• Make brief, accurate notes at the earliest opportunity

An individual who becomes aware of any suspicions or concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or vulnerable adult must pass these on to the Child Safety Officer as soon as possible.

If they feel the child is in immediate risk of abuse then a statutory agency (local children’s services or the police) should be contacted immediately. If a vulnerable adult is at risk of abuse, their consent to the statutory agencies being contacted should be obtained, if possible before doing so.

Avonvale RFC Child Safety Officer is Tim Bunting who can be contacted at :