Safeguarding 5 of 7

5. Code of Conduct - Young Players

Play your part and support The FA’s Code of Respect:

When playing football, I will:

- Always play my best for the benefit of the team
- Play fairly and be friendly
- Play by the rules and respect the referee
- Shake hands with other team – win or lose
- Listen carefully to what my coach tells me
- Understand that a coach has to do what’s best for the team
- Talk to someone I trust or the club safeguarding manager if I am unhappy about something.
- Encourage my team mates
- Respect the club facilities home & Away

I understand that if I do not follow the code, I may:

- Be Asked to apologies to whoever I have upset
- Receive a formal warning.
- Be dropped, substituted or suspended from training.


Code of Conduct - Young Players
